Edited transcript from the June 16, 1997 event
hosted by the WebChat Broadcasting System.
Note : I was fortunate enough to hear about this web chat with Robin and managed to get a few questions in...... Steve
Robin Trower: Hello everybody! This is my first time in cyberspace, so I'm looking forward to the experience. Please ask anything you want (at least about music!).
Robin, I am looking forward to seeing you in Fort Collins, Colorado on the 28th!
Robin Trower Hi! I hope you enjoy the show. I haven't played there before--what's the venue like?
It is a recently remodelled building in downtown. I haven't been there yet. Robin, my ticket says you will be with "special guests." Can you say who they are?
:Robin Trower I'm afraid not! They're probably a local band, though. Maybe you've got some ideas?
There is a local band: Ben Wah and the Blue Balls. Excellent guitarist!! Lots of blues... Stevie Ray and Hendrix covers. He is very entertaining and puts on a hell of a show.
Saw you years ago in Montreal at Man and His World circa 1970 as Procol Harum and also a couple years ago at Portland, Maine (excellent!). Ever hear from the guys in Procol Harum?
:Robin Trower Yes, I spoke to Keith Reid last week. In fact, he came to see me on my first day's rehearsal for this tour.
Did Keith Reid discuss the upcoming 30 year anniversary reunion of Procol Harum in Redhill on July the 19th? I understand you have dates around that time, but I would hope to see you there.
:Robin Trower I did hear about the Procol Harum reunion, but unfortunately I'm on tour in the states during that period.
I was wondering if you have any plans to work with Procol Harum again. The Prodigal Stranger LP was very strong. Also, how did you get that backwards attack sound on the interior fills of Bridge of Sighs title track? That sound is tremendous.
:Robin Trower No plans at the moment to work with Procol Harum again. And what do do you mean by the "backward sounds?"
I met you a few years ago in Spokane, Washington at a laundramat of all places. You were playing at Gatsby's. I probably made a complete fool of myself. I was so much in awe, I guess, that I didn't even think to ask you for an interview. I am a free-lance writer, and wrote two articles for Goldmine: one on David Bowie and one on Dave Brubeck. Actually, this is my first chat.
:Robin Trower Hi! Very nice to meet you again. By the way, you didn't find a white sock, did you?
For years I've had this arrangement of "Sunny," the old Bobby Hebb song, running through my head. Robin Trower style, sort of along the lines of your song "Hannah." Never tried to put it on tape though. Forgot to even mention it that second time I met you. No, I didn't find a white sock.
Hey Robin. Great to meet you. Bridge of Sighs is one of my favorite albums.
:Robin Trower Thanks! Bridge of Sighs has just been reissued on a "gold" format. It sounds excellent, if you'd care to give it a go.
"Gold Format"?
: ThRobin Trowere "gold" format is re-mastered from the original master disk and pressed on a gold foil CD. It has noticeably better quality. (And is, of course, more expensive!)
Thanks Robin! I'll pick up a copy soon!
On your new album "Someday Blues," are you doing all or most of the vocals? Are you going to be handling vocals now on the stage?
What took you so long to get behind the mike? You've got a great voice for the blues!
Hi Robin, Picked up an early copy of "Someday Blues." Excellent--both the playing and the vocals. Please don't forget us out here in Northern California on your tour.
Robin Trower: I'm very glad you liked the new album. Especially pleased that you liked the vocals. I'm afraid we won't be in your part of the world until the new year.
I own every album you've made and without question I believe "Someday Blues" is your best to date. Do you think you'll continue to do the vocals on future albums?
Robin Trower: I would sincerely like to continue singing. It depends now on how strong a response we receive with this album. By the way, thank you very very much.
Hi Robin, Caught your shows in Seattle. Great as usual. Two questions: First, I remember reading in an interview that you said that the guitar is a poor imitation of the human voice and that if you could you would be a singer. Do you still feel that way? Does your decision to sing reflect this?
:Robin Trower Good questions! Singing, for me, is a natural progression from trying to squeeze more out of the guitar. For example, trying to make the guitar sound more like a human voice. Which is why I'm playing fingerstyle on the new album (in pursuit of that aim).
How are you playing without the pick? Are you using several fingers including thumb (up / down strokes)? You know you've given us a whole new style to devour with this new record.
Robin Trower: Playing without the pick, for me, is basically a thumb and forefinger style. The thumb for downstrokes and upstrokes with the finger.
Is "Someday Blues" available in record stores in the states yet? I haven't seen it as of three days ago.
Robin Trower: I'm very sorry to hear you haven't been able to find it yet. I believe it should be out very soon now.
I just picked up "The Essential Robin Trower." It's a great mix! Maybe your new album was just sold out!
Robin, we have a release date of the 30th of June for the new album in England. Can you confirm this?
Robin Trower: June 30 is correct for the UK release date. Thanks for the inquiry.
On the CD "Essential Robin Trower," were some of the songs remixed? It had a little different "feel" to it.
Robin Trower: To my knowledge there are no re-mixes on the "Essential..." album.
What tuning did you use on your slide piece "Extermination Blues," and are you still tunning down a whole step on your current
:Robin Trower Apart from the guitar being tuned down a whole step, there's nothing unusual about the tuning on "Extermination Blues." The slide playing on that track was just sheer luck!
In Seattle you played a slow song called "Secret Place" that had an amazing progression of chords. Where can I find a recording of that tune?
Robin Trower: Secret Place is from my last album, "20th Century Blues." Available at record stores, or direct by writing to: P.O. Box 27670, Los Angeles, CA 90027-0670.
Robin, can you settle a debate? What is the title of your first album?
Robin TrowerMy first solo album was called "Twice Removed From Yesterday."
That's what I thought, but a friend says you have a self-titled album out as your debut.
Hi Robin! What kind of effects do you use live now?
Robin Trower I use a Vox Wah pedal, and a Dejavibe (made by Mike Fuller in California).
What is your guitar preference?
Robin TrowerA Strat--always!
Any new equipment you're using that you're psyched about?
:Robin Trower I currently use a Hot Rod Deville 212 amp and it sounds great! Also I really like the older Blues DeVille 212 amp.
Have you tried any of the preamp processors on the market today? Any opinions ?
I'm curious as to what kind of distortion device you used back in the '70s and what kind you use now. That is, if you do use a fuzz box at all.
:Robin Trower In the '70s I had a Volume/Distortion box that was made for me by an electronics guy I met up with in London. I am currently using NO overdrive pedal--just the overdrive in the Blues DeVille/Hot Rod Deville.
Hello Mr. Trower. I'd like to know if you autograph your records/CD's after the shows?
Robin Trower I always autograph stuff when given the opportunity.
If I send you some old album jackets with return postage, could I get them autographed?
Robin TrowerPLEASE do NOT send any of your valuable materials. We can't take responsibility for returning them. If you'd like autographs, bring them to a concert.
I'm an avid collector of guitar picks. I was wondering if there was any way of getting a personalized guitar pick from you?
Robin TrowerCome to the show and ask one of the crew.
Robin, I'm currently working on my second novel and I wondered if you have any tips on maintaining privacy in one's life with employment in public mediums such as yours?
Robin TrowerThere's only one way around the privacy issue--don't get too famous!
I'm interested in listening to one of your tunes called "Song For A Dreamer." Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with the piece. I have a CD which says that it's on Procol Harum's "Broken Barricades" album, but something else I read implied it was on a Robin Trower Album. I have a humongous record collection (unsorted at this time). Which album would I be searching for?
I'd love to hear it.
:Robin Trower You are correct: "Song for a Dreamer" is on Procol Harum's "Broken Barricades" album.
My wife and I saw your show in '94 at the Coach House and will be there June 21. I have a question. You are on a CD-video called "Night of the Guitar." Livingstone Brown & Mayuyu are also on the recording. Was this recorded in England at a Jimi Hendrix Tribute, where you met Livingstone & Mayuyu? Or was this a separate event or a tour?
Robin Trower: I did meet Livingstone and Mayuyu on the Night of the Guitar tour. I don't think any of it was a Jimi Hendrix tribute. That may have been another show that they were involved in.
Are Livingston and Mayuyu on tour with you? Livingston was very enthusiastic vocalist. Where did you find them?
Robin Trower: Livingston is touring with me, and also a new drummer from California called Alvino Bennett.
Robin, I've been a fan for almost 20 years. When I was first introduced to your work I wrote you to get some info. You sent back two letters and made a young guitarist happy. Thank you for that. I wanted to know about Jimmy Dewar--I was saddened to hear about his condition. Any word on him? ( my first question)
I was just devastated, or stunned I should say, when I recently learned what happened. I had no idea. James Dewar and Greg Lake were my favorite '70s male vocalists.
How is James Dewar? I know he had the stroke, but how is he doing lately?
Robin Trower: I'm afraid Jimmy is not doing well. I wrote to him 2-3 weeks ago to tell him about the new "Best Of" Robin Trower album which features him very heavily--but never received a reply. I'm still waiting, but he is often in my prayers.
Robin, from the day I heard "Day of the Eagle" I was hooked. Your playing influeced me tremendously. "Daydream" live will always be my favorite, but I think Caledonia may be your next best recorded solo. Any thoughts on other recordings that were your favorites? Also it's sad to hear about Jim Dewar. Is there a foundation or an address to write to him?
Robin Trower: I'm glad you like the solo on Caledonia. One of my favorite pieces of solo work is on the song "Benny Dancer" from the "Back It Up" album. Thanks for the kind thoughts about James, but I don't think there's any point at this time trying to write.
Whoa, whoa, what is this--a Best of Robin Trower? Tell us more, please!
Robin Trower: I've just been putting together my favorite tracks from over the years, and have digitally re-mastered them all for an upcoming Chrysallis release entitled: "From Earth Below, the Best of Robin Trower."
Any idea on release date for your "Best of" collection?
Robin Trower: The "Best Of..." should be released sometime in November. Thanks for asking!
Robin, at what age did you start playing? Were you a child prodigy?
Robin Trower: I started playing at age 14. I definitely was NOT a child prodigy, but it is my ambition to be one!
How many years have you been cranking out the music?
Robin Trower: I've been playing "more than a few" years! (And less than "too many...")
What's the future hold for Robin Trower? Can you tell us of any new directions you're pursuing? What piques your interest these days?
Robin Trower: At the moment I'm in the middle of co-producing the new Bryan Ferry album, due out in the new year. And obviously I'm touring the U.S. and working on material for my next album (as well as looking for a house in Ireland).
Who were your early influences (besides the obvious)? I listen to your playing before the Robin Trower band, and I really hear a quite different style. Have you always been playing blues? Possibly you learned some classical guitar also.
Robin Trower: My first really big influence was B.B. King. Hearing him changed the way I thought about the instrument. Then I went on to Albert King and Jimi Hendrix and, obviously, many others.
I just sent in my subscription for your "Trower Power" newsletter, and am looking forward to having the latest info.
Robin Trower: Thanks! If anybody else want the Trower Power newsletter, they can get a free issue by sending their name and address to: lastars@aol.com
Mr. Trower. I have an album of live material called "Guitar Bandit." It sounds like a very small audience and it's really outstanding! Do you know when or where this was recorded?
Robin Trower: Sounds like this "Guitar Bandit" recording you have is a bootleg.
I've seen some "bootleg" concert videos of you on the internet. Do you have any plans to acquire the rights to any of these made-for-TV spots and release better copies? I've seen some of the bootlegs and the quality leaves something to be desired.
Robin Trower: We don't have any plans to release live videos--though we'd like to.
I noticed your Handle Link refers to Fender's Web Site. Do you work or consult with their organization?
Robin Trower: I am a Fender endorsee, and all my current guitars are built for me at the Custom Shop.
Any new groups you like?
Robin Trower: I've heard some stuff by a band called Kula Shaker that I liked very much.
Robin, any advice for beginners?
Robin Trower: Just try and listen to the originators, not the imitators.
Looking at all the questions/statements going on it's great to see that the influence your music has had on me and my playing style has also touched so many others. How do you feel about your influence on so many others? (I'm back)
Robin Trower: "Influence" is not something I ever think about. If one did, one might start to think one was any good. Dangerous stuff!
You signed the headstock of one of my Strats at The Park West in Chicago some years back, while I was doing some tech work for The Flynn Brothers (opening act). I didn't get the chance to thank you so I'm doing it now. And thank you for all the years of incredible tracks you have shared with us all. Best wishes on finding your dream home in Ireland!
Robin Trower: Well, everybody, I've really enjoyed my first time on the Net. And hope to "talk" to you again some time. Goodbye!
Robin, I just want to thank you for all the great music. Here's hoping you keep performing for 30 more years! I'll be there in
my wheel chair cheering you on! Keep up the great work!
Concert Location Questions:
Are you going to add any dates in the Baltimore, D.C. area?
Robin Trower: We're playing at Jaxx in Springfield in late July.
Any chance of some United Kingdom gigs?
Robin Trower: We're looking into UK gigs at the moment. Hopefully, if there's any action at all on the new album, we'll be able to get over there sometime in the next few months.
Robin, do you have any upcoming dates in the Springfield, Massachussets area?
Do you have any upcoming dates at Pearl St. in Northampton, Massachussets?
Robin Trower: I'm afraid we won't be in Springfield this tour. Closest show will be NYC.
Do you have any immediate future plans to perform in the Spokane, Washington area? A lot of people here still talk about the shows you did. I worked as a darkroom tech at a photo lab here last year, and found out that I wasn't the only Trower fan there. We had our CD players up so loud, that you could probably hear it in the studio upstairs.
Robin Trower: We were just in Seattle! Sorry to have missed you.
Greetings Robin! I have literally just received my copy of Someday Blues and it's sounding very good! Are you playing two nights at The House of Blues in July? I have tickets for the 6th only so far.
Robin Trower: Yes, we are doing two nights at the Chicago HOB. The 5th and the 6th of July. By the way, glad you liked the album.
Robin, please make a surprise appearance at a club in Santa Cruz on this tour. It is a wonderful beach town. You can relax for a day or two after your gig.
Robin Trower: Thanks for the offer! But I'm not sure we'll have time this tour...
Robin, any plans for shows in western Canada? (Me again)
Robin Trower: I'm afraid we don't have any plans to visit Canada at all this trip. (Boo hoo!)