"A Tale Untold"
My first live Trower show
While preparing to write this story, I felt I had to go back to the crucial events that occurred which led to me taking in myfirst Robin Trower show.
Before you start to read this I would suggest you grab yourself a beverage of some kind as it is quite long!
Obviously starting my web site was a major part, but the web site was, and is, just simply a hobby. I enjoy the correspondence from everyone and the interaction that goes on continuously. I find this to be the most interesting and rewarding part of having a site.
The door that opened for me came on Friday, December 10, 1999. This was the day that Davey Pattison sent me an e-mail remarking on my site and asking me if I would like to put a link to his web site to help promote his latest CD "Mississippi Nights" (which is an outstanding recording that, if you don't already own, I highly recommend).
This initial contact really started me on the road to experiencing all the weird and wonderful opportunities that would soon occur.
Not only did I get the opportunity to do an interview for my site with Davey, whom I'd admired through his music, I also had the good fortune of gaining the friendship of an incredibly nice person. This in turn, led to the following situations.....
While researching for Davey's interview, I contacted Bill Lordan through a lawyer friend of his, and much to my surprise he wrote me back and said to call him.
As it turned out, Bill had just finished doing an interview with a fellow by the name of Dan Muise, a writer residing in Philadelphia, who was in the process of writing a book on several guitarists including Robin Trower, who was trying to get a hold of Davey Pattison to interview him for the book as well. Bill had lost track of Davey and so my contacting him regarding Davey was "very timely" to say the least. This then led to Dan Muise contacting me to talk about the upcoming book. Talking to Bill prompted me to do an interview for my site with him as well. During our conversations and correspondence, Bill generously sent me some of the most unbelievable memorabilia and recordings I have ever seen or heard. All these verbal contacts eventually led to Bill and Davey talking about working together again on Bill's next recording project. (I can hardly wait)!
Then came the surprise invitation from Bill to come down to see a show!
Still with me?
The day I received this invitation, I had been fighting a cold all week and was just starting to feel somewhat human again. I was at home when the mail came and there was a letter from Bill. This was not unusual, as I said earlier, we had been sending things back and forth via snail mail for weeks, but this was different. The letter read....
Feb. 26, 2000
.... "Kate (Bill's partner) and I had an idea to run by you to consider. When I talked to Derek (Sutton) last week he said that Robin was coming over to tour starting on the west coast in May or June, he will have the schedule soon. I am going to at least one show... could you get away for a weekend say to come to California to go to a show with us as I could arrange backstage passes and good seats so you could meet Robin........ Think about it and consider the possibility of coming down for a few days......"
Well I started to have about a hundred different scenarios of this picture running through my brain (high fever delirium).
After shaking my head back to reality, and being the practical person I am, I said to Sue (my wife) that I'd have to think it over. Sue said right back to me.. "You're going and that's that! If you don't, I'm leaving you on the grounds of stupidity!"
Sue knows I have always wanted to go to a show but the likelihood of me actually doing it was so remote given that it would take a fair amount of time and money to fly anywhere from Saskatoon to see a show.
"Besides", she said "You'd be going with Bill Lordan AND, in all possibility, meeting Robin Trower! How can you not go? " (The look on her face was almost going duhhh). I have learned during our 20 years of marriage not to argue when she uses that tone! (LOL)
I talked to a few friends and they also said that if I didn't go I would regret it for the rest of my life. Even my parents totally backed the idea as a once in a lifetime opportunity that I could not pass up. So, the decision had been made. I was actually going to go see Robin Trower perform live!!!!
Right after the invitation came, things started to move quickly. Bill and I had decided on the Galaxy in Santa Ana California as the show to see as it was closer to Bill than say the H.O.B. in L.A. He and Kate also felt it would be less hectic and possibly allow us more time with Robin when playing at a smaller venue. So I started to set up my plans to see the show on the 28th of May. Shortly after that, Bill wrote me and said that the Bill Lordan Experiment was going to be opening for Robin the day after at The Coachhouse on the 29th and that it would be great if I could stay an extra day. That way I'd get to see Bill play and go to two Trower shows. This was great news and I could not resist, so I added a day to my itinerary and continued to make arrangements. Then, out of the blue I got an e-mail from Derek Sutton giving me first shot at the Tour 2000 dates to post on my site! This was a total surprise and really exciting actually having the information first. I was flattered. I'm sure this was due to Bill and Derek corresponding and Bill mentioning his interview with me on my site. Then Derek and I wrote back and forth a few times regarding the Trowerpower site. Derek was asking questions about what people/fans would be interested in seeing on the site. During all this, Derek also wrote me a note saying if I was having a problem getting to California for a show that I could go to one in Chicago (which is a bit closer to Saskatoon) and he said he would "make it happen". I took this to mean that whatever show I could get to, he would do his best to make sure I got to see and meet Robin. I was totally impressed with Derek, which confirmed any discussions I had ever had with Bill and Davey. They gave nothing but the highest of praise when speaking of Derek and the kind of person he was. I was now convinced!
Once the decision had been made on what shows I was going to attend, I thought I might ask Derek where Robin and the band were going to stay so that I could stay in the same hotel as well. I was a bit unsure how that request would go over, but was pleasantly surprised when Derek wrote back and said that while nothing had been arranged at that time, he would let me know where they were going to be staying as soon as he could. When that note came in I was really starting to get overwhelmed with the whole thing.
Well, the plane tickets were acquired (thank goodness for Airmiles) and all the intricate little things taken care of like film (as Sue said "You have enough film to fill one suitcase alone!"), what Trower stuff I wanted to bring in hopes of getting them signed, etc.
A bit of time passed and as the date was growing nearer, I was starting to get sceptical. I was thinking that maybe this was really not going to happen the way I was envisioning it. No way are they going to tell me where they're staying. I'm sure that's a well kept secret. I hadn't talked to Bill for a week or two which gave me time for this scepticism to start manifesting. All the scenarios I had been envisioning were not going to happen. I'd just been kidding myself about all of it.
Then, with about three weeks left to go, I got an e-mail from Derek giving me the hotel, the phone number and even the rates! OK, so now I'm thinking..."Wow I'm actually staying in the same hotel! I gotta meet Robin now for sure!" Bill had also just written saying that he had been talking to Derek, and everything was looking good for the shows. Now my scepticism was being replaced with shock at the thought of actually going!
I booked my room and another piece fell into place.
Then it happened........ the unheard of.... I came home for lunch one day and routinely asked Sue if any e-mails had come. She looked at me and said "Now don't flip out." (really not the best way to start a conversation) "The 28th is still a long way off, but you just got an e-mail from Jack on ZOSO announcing that Robin is sick and has cancelled a couple of shows."
I'm in panic mode instantly. I have my tickets and I can't refund them so if he doesn't play those two shows I guess I'll be going to Disneyland instead... and alone too!
After Sue talked me down off the roof and convinced me that Robin had three weeks to get well and that I shouldn't worry, I started to breath again. I was being a bit selfish I know, but this WAS my first show! And as we all know, Robin did get better and only had to reschedule two shows.
During this time, Derek had given Bill the name of Robin's road manager (Patrick Rule) and his cell phone number and had said that we should get a hold of him to confirm the seats at the Galaxy and also any other requests we might have as Patrick was in charge. As Derek put it "There will be no problems but get Patrick to arrange it." Patrick is the guy who runs the show... makes it all run smoothly. Derek had said to try to talk to Patrick a few days prior to the first show. It was around this time as well that I had received the latest copy of the Trowerpower newsletter and upon opening it up, saw there was a note written on the inside that said "Hey Steve! See you soon...Derek". Was I ever impressed that he actually took the time to add that little note before mailing it to me. What a class act! I was really starting to feel like I was "in" with the goings on.
About a week before I left for Orange County, I was totally ready. Now the countdown began. Everyday Sue was saying "Seven more days 'till you go to California." or "Six more days to Trower!" I was getting very nervous now. But I was ready................
During all of the chaos that was going on I was also getting dozens of e-mails from other people I know on the internet saying how happy they were for me to be finally seeing a show. The outpouring from people who I only know through the Trower sites was overwhelming and very much appreciated.
A couple of days before I'm leaving, I get a phone call from Dan Muise, (the author of the book coming out with Robin Trower in it), wishing me well on my trip and to have a great time. He said that if I can get a picture of myself with Robin and Bill, he might use it in his book! When he said that I was killing myself laughing! He explained to me that internet sites are a big part of any artists exposure and that he felt my site contributed a lot. I really appreciated the call and encouragement. What a super nice guy. I am really looking forward to his book release.
The day before I left I also got a really nice note from Davey Pattison asking me to say hi to Robin and Bill for him and that he was sorry he couldn't make it to the show. Davey and I have stayed in touch and we had been trying to work it out for him to come to L.A. from the San Francisco area to meet up with us and go see the shows. Unfortunately he couldn't get away. He was very much missed, but I know we'll hook up one day.
One of the coolest things about starting up this site, is the friendships I have made with people like Davey and Bill and so many others. I have had complete strangers send me tour T-shirts and articles and pictures to contribute to my site. Trower fans are incredibly supportive not only of Robin and his music, but of each other as well.
At noon on Friday, the day before I'm leaving, I finally phoned Patrick Rule and caught him on the road on his way to Los Vegas to do the show there and, as soon as I said my name he said he knew who I was. We talked for a minute about how the shows were going and then made arrangements to meet the next night at the hotel to discuss any questions or arrangements I might have or need.
It was 4:30 Saturday morning..... The alarm went off....... Today was the day! Thanks to Sue, all the right things are in the right bags, I have the right shoe on the right foot and she is pointing me in the right direction towards the front door. How I drove to the airport is still a blur! I did manage however, to get on the correct plane without any help!!
The flight was a long one, I had to fly from Saskatoon to Minneapolis, wait two hours and then take the last leg to California. The customs officer in Minneapolis gave me a hard time while I was filling out a customs form and had written on some obscure line incorrectly about where I was going and if I knew anyone in L.A. I just smiled a lot and kept apologizing for being a moron!! It seemed to appease him because he let me into his country.
Comin' into Los Angeles.... Ok, technically Orange County.
As the plane was touching down I started to get that "What am I doing here?" feeling. I grabbed the promotional folder Bill had sent me (as arrangements had been made for Eric Turner ( Guitarist extraordinaire for Bill's band ) to meet me at the airport and drive me to my hotel). I stared at it making sure I knew what Eric looked like and headed off the plane.
As I went through the doors, I saw Eric standing just past the entrance. With Eric was his lovely wife Carol, who was holding up a sign that had my name on it (as they didn't have a clue what I looked like). With them as well was a friend of theirs named Scott.
As I walked up, I caught Eric's eyes and we both reached out to shake hands. After I picked up my suitcase, Eric asked if I wanted to go for lunch and we ended up going to The HardRock Cafe in Newport Beach. Very neat place.
Outside The Hardrock with Eric Turner
After lunch we went on a bit of a sight-seeing tour and hit a few places of interest. We talked a lot and after spending just a few hours with the three of them, I felt like we were old friends. It was getting on in the day, so we headed for the hotel and passed by the Galaxy on the way there. When Eric dropped me off, he gave me his phone number and said if I needed anything to give him a call. We were all looking forward to the show the next night at the Galaxy.
I walked into the lobby and as I was supposed to get a hold of Patrick, I asked the receptionist at the desk if he had checked in yet. A voice behind me said "Excuse me. May I ask why you are looking for Patrick Rule ?" I turned around and introduced myself to the man (who turned out to be the band's sound man, but I didn't get his name). The reason he was concerned about my inquiry was because apparently they had run into some "strange" people who had been trying to see Robin a "bit too enthusiastically" and so his guys were being cautious. I told him who I was and explained that Derek Sutton had told me to get a hold of Patrick when I got in. I also mentioned that Derek was the one who had said to stay at that hotel as it was where Robin and the band were staying. He then told me that Patrick would be in later. At that point another person came over and his name was Jeff. He ran the merchandising booth for the Trower shows. We talked for a minute and then I went up to my room to get everything unpacked, including a plastic bag containing 16 Trower album covers and the original letter I had posted on my site that I got from Robin dated May 3. 1978. I almost started laughing because I was really wondering if the opportunity would even present itself for me to get anything signed! I really still had no idea how this whole thing would go down.
After a call home to let my wife know I actually made it in one piece, I decided to take a stroll down by the pool and into the courtyard. I went outside, enjoying the warm sunshine, and sat down to relax in a gazebo that was by the pool. I was just sort of looking around at the palm trees when I notice this guy relaxing on a lounger at the far side of the pool. I looked again and thought, "Hey, that could be Robin Trower!" He was in shorts and he was about as white as me so I figured it had to be either another Canadian or someone from England. (LOL)
As a rule, I'm not the type who would go over and disturb someone while they were relaxing like that, especially Robin Trower, so I thought I'd better just wait until I got an opportunity to be properly introduced by Patrick or someone. I must say though, it was pretty cool thinking it might have been him as I still wasn't sure. I got up and was going to go back inside when I saw another person walking out of where the jacuzzi was and immediately recognized him as Richard Watts. Since he was just standing there I decided it would be ok to approach him, so I walked up and introduced myself. I was explaining who I was and why I was down in California when another guy walked up who I recognized as being Alvino Bennett. Alvino said that he had heard my name mentioned and knew I was going to be going to the shows. This was pretty cool! While we were talking, Robin must have looked over and seen a stranger (notice I didn't say a strange person :o) ) talking to his band mates because he quite quickly got up and left the pool area as if wanting to keep his privacy.
I said to Richard, "I sure hope he didn't leave because of me". Man, I felt awful thinking I had come all this way only to have him think I was some stalker or something! Richard then said that I shouldn't worry, Robin liked to keep to himself while on tour and that was why he likely left as he did. I still felt badly.
I continued to talk to Richard and Alvino for a few more minutes and then I went back to my room.
I gave Bill a call and told him that I still had to confirm
things with Patrick but it looked like everything was in place for the shows. We ended our conversation by making plans for when we would get together the next day. I hadn't slept much the night before in anticipation of the trip and I knew the next two days would be crazy, so I just relaxed after that and soon crashed for the evening.
Sunday morning, approximately 8:00. I was up and ready to do that breakfast thing. I also had to really try to get a hold of Patrick as tonight was the first show and I still hadn't had anything confirmed about even getting in! After a quick bite downstairs in the restaurant, I returned to my room where I phoned Patrick again, but I still kept getting the message machine. After waiting awhile, I thought I'd go back downstairs, wander around and grab a coffee. After a few cups, I went to try Patrick's room again using the house phone in the lobby. So there I am, sitting in the lobby waiting for the phone to connect, when who do I see walking in from the courtyard but Robin! As he walked towards where I was seated, I caught his eye and he smiled. As I got no answer on the phone, I quickly hung up and stood up as Robin continued towards me. He said hi, so I introduce myself and briefly told him I had come down to see a show with Bill. We talked for just a minute because I could tell he had perhaps just gotten up and was tired and just wanted to get something, so I said I'd see him later. He then went into the restaurant and I went upstairs to my room and immediately phoned my wife to rant and rave that I had just met, shaken hands with and actually talked to the man himself!!! She was really starting to worry about me at this point.
I hung up and tried Patrick's room again and this time he answered. He confirmed, as I'd hoped, that everything was set for the Galaxy. We chatted about my web site and I told him about the May 3,1978 letter from Robin I had with me to be signed along with all the album covers. He said that there would be no problem after the show. After a bit, Patrick said that he had to go as he was rebooking the flights and replanning for the cancelled shows, and that he would see me that night at the Galaxy. I thanked him again and hung up.
About ten minutes later he phoned me back and said that he had gone on the net to my site and read the part with the letter. He mentioned how lucky I was to have it as he had never heard of Robin writing notes like that. I had told Derek Sutton the same story about the letter and he too had mentioned that in all the years he had been with Robin, he had never seen a letter like that and I should feel lucky to have had such a rare bit of Trower memorabilia. I do!
Shortly after that, Bill Lordan, Kate Williams and Mark Fry (Bass player with the band) came knocking at my hotel room door. It wasn't so much a knock really, it was more of a drum roll! I knew it was Bill!
This was our first actual meeting and it was so cool. We sat and talked for the longest time. I had Bill autograph all the Trower album covers that he was associated with. Showed him some pictures of my wife and daughter and while we were talking, Kate took some pictures.
These people were so warm and friendly. Bill and I had talked quite a lot when we had done the interview, so we were pretty comfortable with each other. And Kate was just so sweet that after just a very short time, I felt like I had known her for years. Mark as well was a very personable guy. Besides being a great bass player, he told me he also owned an antique restoration/furniture making business in Desert Hot Springs.
While we were sitting in the room, Bill said that he thought he should give Robin a call to let him know that he was there. He picked up the phone and asked the front desk for the name that Robin had used to register with since they played together. A cool bit of information that I will take to my grave (LOL). Robin answered and Bill told him that he was down in my room and that we would see him tonight after the show. Based on what Bill was saying the conversation went through the musical questions and then swung around to topics of health, family and grand kids! I was just sitting talking to Kate and Mark while they talked for a while longer. It was pretty amazing thinking that I was sitting in my hotel room watching Bill Lordan talk on the phone with Robin Trower! And he had actually mentioned my name a couple of times! This day was getting more mind blowing by the minute.
We then all decided to go out, as it was getting later in the afternoon and we wanted to get a few more pictures. We went out to the pool and shot a few more in the gazeb With Bill Lordan After we did the pictures, we headed out to check on a few of the local music shops. As we walked through the lobby to leave, we saw Jeff (the merchandiser) heading towards us, and as we said hi, I could tell he recognized Bill so I introduced everyone. Jeff was finishing up some stuff and then was heading to the Galaxy to set up, but missed his ride so Kate very kindly said that we would wait for him and take him there.
We drove down, pulled up in front of the Galaxy and ran into Brian Webster, sound man extraordinaire! Brian does sound work for a lot of people and also was the engineer on Bill's "Emotional Blackmail" release. Bill introduced us and Brian said that he was doing the sound for one of the warm-up bands that night. He was also going to be doing the sound for Bill's band at the Coachhouse the following night.
As we were standing outside I could hear the music from the sound check going on inside the Galaxy. I was starting to get really pumped up. I was actually hearing Robin live! It was just amazing! (It took every ounce of composure not to run inside and take a look). They were just fooling around, but it was definitely a moment I would always remember as being the first time I'd actually heard Robin play live.
After dropping Jeff off and talking with Brian, Bill, Kate, Mark and I left and went down to this great music store where we hung around for awhile and Kate took a couple more pictures. We hit a couple of other places and then, as it was starting to get late, we went for dinner. Mark insisted we go to this great restaurant close to where he used to live called "Zubies" in Huntington Beach. It was so fun sitting, eating and talking with everyone, and the anticipation of the show was starting to become obvious.
We had made arrangements to meet Eric and Carol Turner later at the Galaxy, and as everyone's name was on the guest list (Bill, Kate, Eric, Carol, Mark and myself), there would be no problem catching up to them there.
We got to the Galaxy close to 8:00 and the place was just packed. We had to park over a block away as the lot was full.
The Galaxy is a converted theatre and the set up has a raised stage with an open area just in front. Then, I think , three rows of tables, each row raised a bit higher than the one in front. These were in a half moon shape around the stage. When we had decided on the Galaxy as the show to see, I went on to the net and found their web site. As soon as I saw a picture of the inside I wrote Bill and Kate and said I thought it would be the perfect place to see my first Trower show. I was right!
I walked up to the front door and said "My name is Steve Shail and I'm on Robin Trower's guest list" (I had always wanted to say that line, but I was freaking out just saying the words). The guy at the door looked at his clipboard and said "Go Ahead!"
It was true! I was actually there on the guest list! I was with Bill Lordan! I was going to see Trower play! This was really starting to become surreal.
We all walked into the lobby and I saw Jeff behind his table of merchandise so we headed over to indulge in some serious Trower memorabilia purchases. I picked up a T-shirt, hat, and poster and put them in the bag I was carrying that contained all the album covers I was hoping to get signed. I looked like the complete tourist!
We met up with Eric and Carol just as Mark was coming back from inside inside the theatre area and he said something about a problem with the seating. I froze for a second. I went back over to Jeff and asked him if he knew where Patrick was going to seat us. Jeff said that the two front row tables were for us so we headed into the theatre.
It was extremely loud when we got in and we all started to head toward the front when this bouncer, who was the cousin of King Kong, stopped us and asked where we were going. I couldn't make out was was being said, and the next thing I knew he was directing us to follow him back out. I'm thinking "What's going on?" then Bill leaned over and said they have arranged something better for us......a room upstairs! So this guy escorted us down a hall, past another security guy, up this winding staircase and into this nice room that is overlooking the stage on the right side. I am totally in awe by this point. A private room! This was totally unexpected. It was totally perfect!
We watched the opening bands who were quite good but to be honest I was still so amazed that I was actually sitting in this incredible room with Bill, Kate, Eric, Carol and Mark and about to watch my first Trower concert that I didn't really notice! When the last band ended, I was very anxious. Everybody moved around so I had a perfect view to watch the show.
Now, what is it like to see Trower for the first time..........
Seated in the front of the booth looking down on the stage set up, I scanned the three half stack Marshalls, the floodlights reflecting off Alvino's Drum kit, I noticed the crowd below becoming very restless. Quite a few people have gathered at the front of the stage. The lights started to go down and the cheering started up. The cheers started slowly at first but rapidly went into wild abandonment, and then it happened, the moment I had waited for for over 25 years . . . Robin stepped out onto the stage! The crowd went nuts! Everyone stood up and cheered. Robin smiled at the audience and then the familiar start of "Too Rolling Stoned" began. I was ecstatic!
The Galaxy Having met Richard, who is quite soft spoken, I was really curious to hear him sing. He handled this song impressively. He added his own style to the vocals and they flowed well with Robin's playing. And now hearing Robin really playing for the first time I was totally impressed. He seemed to get right into it. Robin's solo was dynamic as he swayed with every note he bent. His familiar facial expressions mimicked every note his strings sang. It was everything I had expected. It was so cool watching him and his movements on stage. I was pleasantly surprised with the way he made his way around the stage. I always thought him to be more of a stationary player..
The song came to an end and I was like the Cheshire cat .....smiling from ear to ear.
After the cheering subsided some, Robin gave the customary line "How's everybody doing...OK!" and then introduced "Lady Love".
Again I was totally impressed with Richard's voice. The song went flawlessly.
Next was "Daydream". As soon as Robin hit the first notes the whole crowd just quieted right down to absorb the song.
Part way into "Daydream", someone came into the booth and asked for me. I went out into the hall and Patrick Rule, "Road manager extraorinaire" (to quote Derek Sutton) introduced himself to me.
He asked me how I had found everything and was I happy with the arrangements! Was I happy? Was I happy? The word happy did not do justice to the total gratitude I was feeling at that moment. I could not thank him enough! It was perfect!!! (yes I know I'm using that word a lot but it is the only one that reflects what I was thinking). He said that after the show we should just wait around and after Robin had cleaned up we could go back to meet him. I had mentioned that we actually met that morning. Patrick knew that, but replied that Robin wanted to be able to meet properly and talk for a bit. Keeping me for only a minute Patrick said to enjoy the rest of the show.
The rest of the show went by and I was so moved by actually witnessing a live performance. I have seen a lot of videos of Robin and he usually seemed pretty subdued while he's playing, but tonight he was out there really giving every bit of himself to the songs. He was, I thought , extremely animated in his playing. At 55 he still rocked! As a long time fan and someone who has heard many many, shows I was still so impressed with his playing. The guitar playing was everything I expected yet, being there, seeingit happen, made me so much more aware of just how talented....... gifted, Robin is. He gently and subtly hypnotized the crowd and like the pied piper, took us all on a journey into his soul.
I must also say that I thought Richard Watts did a fantastic job with the Trower standards. Especially "Daydream". He did not try to copy anyone and really did the songs justice.... Alvino was solid on drums. His experience playing with Robin was evident in maintaining the driving rhythm section.
I won't dwell on the playing part of the show other than to say Robin was totally inspirational and it was better than anything I could have imagined. He truly is one of the most soulful guitar players ever.
.... .............................
So now right after the final encore, the crowd started to disperse fairly quickly while Bill, Kate, Mark, Eric, Carol and I start to make our way down to the main area in front of the stage.
Carol had to work really early the next day so she and Eric decided to take off as they would see everyone the next day. We headed downstairs because Gary Larson, who runs the Unofficial California Trower site, is also down there and I definitely wanted to meet him and his wife Rhonda. Bill and Kate had met Gary at one of the Bill Lordan Experiment shows, so when he spotted them, he introduced us. We sat and talked for about ten minutes when the curtains at the back of the stage opened up and there on the landing at the back was Robin, Alvino and Richard. Robin was waving for us to come on up!
One more security guy to go through, but we are on the list to get backstage! Patrick had covered every detail. We walked through this door and across the back of the stage to the bottom of the stairs that lead upstairs to the dressing rooms. Robin and Bill started talking as we were walking up and it was an amazing sight seeing these two together. Bill immediately turned and introduced me to Robin and we shook hands. We converse a bit about the show and then I said hi to Richard and Alvino like we were old friends. It was so wild! We were all standing out on the landing for a bit when Robin said "Lets go in and sit down" So I started to follow him in and realized that only he and I were in the room, as the others were still talking outside the door.
There was food and beer and champagne set out and Robin asked if I wanted anything to drink or eat. I declined (but later did have a beer).
I said to Robin how really great it was to finally see his live show after all these years and we talked about the show and about my site. We talked about his having lived in Canada many years ago and then I told him how I got to know Bill and Davey. I then passed on a greeting given to me from Davey, which Robin said he was sorry he didn't get a chance to see him.
Honestly we talked more but I was in such a daze as we were just sitting there across a small table just talking! Just like regular people! (LOL) It was just really crazy to be sitting there..... chatting! Robin made me feel very at ease. He has a very nice, warm smile and was very relaxed which made me less nervous.
Everyone came in a couple of minutes later and Bill sat down and before he and Robin start talking he introduced Gary Larson to Robin. Then Bill said "Steve brought all this stuff for you to sign and then if it's ok we would like to get some pictures." Robin said sure, so I got out my bag of goodies.
Bill was so cool, as he mentioned the interviews I had done and how he felt I had helped both he and Davey with letting people know about their CD releases. He really made me feel part of the whole process. I was touched by his generosity.
My wife had said to me prior to leaving that I should take something for Robin but I could not think of anything so she said " I have heard that the tea made in America is not as good as it is from Canada, bring him some Canadian tea that he can enjoy on the tour." I thought this was a great idea and kind of funny so that's what I brought him.
So , I reach into my bag and tell Robin this story and he laughs when I haul out this small box of tea. Made in Canada. I then told him the story about how he had written this letter to me and that I would like to get it signed again 22 years later. I took the letter out and he was amazed that I had it. He graciously signed it again with the date. I then pulled out 16 album covers for him to sign! Some had Bill's signature already on them and also the ones that Davey did with him had Davey's signature as he had done them all for me when we were doing our interview.
Robin was very very cool and patiently signed them all while we all continued talking.
Bill then suggested we do the pictures so Robin got up and went over to put on a jacket. We must have taken 20 pictures. It was incredible.
After all the picture taking was done, Patrick came in and said that Robin should get going as there were people waiting out back for autographs. We all talked for a bit more and then Robin said goodbye. We had been up there for quite a long time and it was just a great experience.
I walked out of the dressing room and Richard was standing there so we talked for awhile. I told him that I thought he did an excellent job, especially with the older tunes. I said it was very important to the long time fans and that he really did them justice. As we were discussing this I said that in one of the songs (I couldn't remember which one at that point) where he took a high note instead of staying the standard vocal part and he goes"Oh ya. that's in Daydream". I said "Ya, right. I really thought that gave the song your own personal touch!" I think he was happy to hear that. We then talked about how he liked touring with Robin and about how they knew each other through Robin's son. He has only been married for a short time and was missing his wife but he told me the band were going to go back home for a short hiatus and then come back to finish the tour. He's only 27 and he actually had never played Bass guitar prior to touring with Robin. He plays a number of instruments but bass was new to him. I thought he did a great job! We talked for a couple more minutes and then Bill came over and said we should head downstairs.
As we walked out the back door behind the stage we ran into Alvino and a few members of one of the opening acts who were standing around talking.
They were all very nice and amazed that I had come all the way from Saskatoon to see the show. With Bill and Alvino standing together I said that we needed to get some pictures of two of Robins drummers together. So I got a couple of them and then Kate said for me to get in there and she took a couple more.
We hung around for a bit longer and then we decided we better get going. Bill, Kate and Mark had to drive back home which was a couple of hours away so that they could bring the equipment in for the show the next day.
We walked around the side and I said that I wanted to see if there were any ads on the doors. So I walked up to the front door which was locked unfortunately. As I tried the door, Jeff the merchandiser was inside and saw me and went and asked one of the security guys to open up the door. Once opened I asked if there were any posters left. The guy went away for a bit but unfortunately said they were all gone. I thanked them and we headed back to the car.
They drove me back to the hotel and we all made plans for tomorrow. As they were leaving the lot Bill was honking the horn all the way!
Well, walking through the lobby it really started to hit me how totally unreal that whole night had been. I get into the elevator and still holding the shopping bag full of albums and posters I made my way to my room.
Once there I put all the stuff out on the bed to really get a look at all the signed album covers and everything else.
I looked at my watch and even though it was about 2:00 A.M. in Saskatoon, I knew I couldn't wait till morning to phone home and tell Sue what happened. It was really crazy actually, the whole event finally caught up with me and as I start to tell her what occurred during the whole day I found myself becoming very choked up. I had to stop talking a few times. It was an incredible event that went better than anything I could have imagined and a
very moving experience for me.
Sue patiently let me ramble on incoherently for awhile until I realized that I was talking long distance so I said I would call the next day. After what seemed like forever I
finally got to sleep.
Day 3 : This day was going to be great. My first day as a drum tech! ( The way I got to go to this show was to be part of the crew) All the plans were in place for tonight. Eric was going to pick me up around 2:00 PM and we were going to head down to the Coachhouse for 4:00 for a sound check.
I went downstairs and had breakfast. After breakfast I returned back to my room, I went out onto the balcony and as I was looking around saw Alvino over in the back parking lot and he's waving as he has just seen me. Really friendly guy! So I thought that I might as well go out and visit.
I head downstairs and run into Richard in the lobby so we talked for a bit. He was waiting for Alvino and Jeff to pick him up to go to the Coachhouse for the sound check. As we are talking Robin walks up and says hi and says he thought I would be working on my web site! LOL. He was taking off already so he said he would see me later. Again he was just so friendly and "normal" (it takes some getting used to having Robin Trower just walk up and talk to you). Robin left and I told Richard that I just saw Alvino out the side and I was heading that way so the two of us walked outside just as the truck pulled up. While they were standing around I asked if it was ok to snap a couple of pictures. They , of course said absolutely and so I snapped a couple of shots and then they finished loading the truck and said see you later. I went back upstairs. This was starting to be a lot of fun talking to these guys. Both Richard and Alvino are genuinely nice guys.
I went up to my room to wait for Eric Turner to come and pick me up to head for the Coachhouse. I was sitting in my room when the phone rang and the girl at the front desk says "Your limo is here". I start laughing because I know it's Eric. We head out and Eric wants to stop at one of the guitar shops as he has been trying to make a deal for this beautiful Custom Shoppe Strat. So we went there and he finally gets it for the price he wanted ! Now Eric is beaming! And what a beautiful guitar! Ice blue!
We then head to the Coachhouse. When Eric and I arrived, Mark, Bill and Kate were already there with the equipment.
The Coachhouse is a great place. An old small warehouse /office building that has been converted to this dinner show venue. I had gone inside through the back door stage area where the equipment was. I walked in and the stage was to my left. People were running around setting tables up. Richard and Alvino were already there. Richard was sitting in a chair near the front waiting for the crew to finish setting up. We said hi to each other and then I went up to the front where Kate was busy at the entrance setting up a table for the merchandise Bill's band was selling. Jeff was also there doing the Trower memorabilia table.
Jeff had another different shirt than the one I picked up at the Galaxy so I had to buy a second shirt. Then I thought that while I have Robin's signature on all my albums, I didn't get anything with the whole band on it so I got a second poster with the intent of getting Robin, Richard and Alvino to sign it for me.
As I was getting it , Alvino walks up and he's holding a drum skin, he looks at me and asks me if I would like it as a souvenir. I said sure and he grabs one the pens and signs it and hands it to me. I thanked him and then said "While your signing things how about signing my poster?"
At the front of the Coachhouse with Alvino and Jeff
After that was done I went up to Richard (because I thought that the pictures that I had taken at the hotel earlier might not turn out because my camera was acting up), and asked him if he would mind coming outside to get a couple more shots. Richard graciously said sure so I asked Kate if she would mind taking them. As we went outside Richard says "Where do you want us"? and when Kate replied "Up against the wall" both Richard and I immediately went into the "police spread" against the wall! Pretty funny! We got a couple of pictures and then went back inside.
After a while, the sound checks started and Alvino and Richard went up on stage. I was just walking around taking pictures.
After taking a few shots I stepped outside through the back exit where I first came in and joined Bill, Eric and Mark outside. We unloaded the van and started unpacking everything and putting stuff together. This was a lot of fun. It has been awhile since I was in a situation of hauling equipment. We got everything ready to go on stage.
While we were outside I could hear Richard testing the mics and he was just singing by himself. He was doing a very slow bluesey kind of thing using Lady Love as the song. Man, he was really, really good. I was totally impressed with his vocal skills. He went on for a few minutes like that and I enjoyed his improvisation.
Robin showed up about this time and they worked on a few songs to get the sound check done. It was so cool listening to this going on. The place, except for all the staff getting the tables etc. ready, was empty and I just walked around the bar area , then upstairs in one of the booths, just listening to them play. Robin would fool around a bit , trying things, it was very relaxed.
They went through "Lady Love" and "Daydream". Just kind of getting things to "feel" right. This went on for about half an hour.
After they finished the sound check Bill and I were standing just off to the left of the stage. Robin came down and we all talked for a bit. I remember talking about In City Dreams and then us laughing when I told them how one night about a month ago I got a phone call from my 74 year old mom who said "Listen to this.." and I hear the
start of "Long Misty Days"......she wanted to hear what this Trower stuff I was so interested in sounded like so she went to a local record store and found that CD. She also said she really liked it!!
Robin and Bill were also talking about the venue and the heat and all, and Robin was saying how he's had to learn pace himself through the shows so as not to get too wiped out by the end. I thought this was an incredible statement given the fact that he was SO intense at the Galaxy. As I said, he was giving it everything and I was wondering how it would go because this place, given its size, was going to be a lot hotter than the Galaxy was.
Robin was taking off then so we had to start getting Bill's bands gear into place. I tried mainly to stay out of the way at this point. Hauled a few pieces and amps up on to the stage and then each person sort of set up their own stuff.
It was starting to get close to when the doors were going to open up. The tables were all set for the dinner crowd.
It was about this time that we started to talk about videoing the show. Brian Webster, the sound man, took me up into see the manager of the place to tell him that we did want to video Bill's band and so he said we could set up on a ramp way that overlooked the whole place. I went up and checked it out and it was perfect.( there's that word again)
The doors finally opened and people started to come in. They were all being seated and I was just walking around anticipating another dynamite show.
As Bill was still walking around also it was pretty funny because I kept hearing people going "Hey, isn't that Bill Lordan?" I had mentioned this to Bill and he said if any one asks just respond "Ya, it used to be him. "Pretty funny!
Another person who was going to be at the show was a friend of Robin's named Richard Crail. Richard and I had some contact through my web site thanks to Bill and had made arrangements to meet at the show. Richard is a big Trower fan and a really nice guy, who had been in a bad accident and who I knew was in a wheelchair. Richard had told me that after his accident Robin's music had inspired him and gotten him through some tough times. As a matter of fact, if I have the story right, after the accident, Richard's mom Joy, had somehow gotten a letter to Robin in England telling him about Richard and how his music had such a positive influence on his recovery. Robin and his wife Andrea then started to correspond with Richard. Andrea had also written to Bill about Richard which prompted Bill to correspond as well. I was walking around by the stage when I looked over and saw someone sitting at a table, and while I didn't notice the wheelchair for some reason I thought this was him. As I was walking towards him he looked over and about ten feet away from each other I think we both knew who each one was. Richard was there with his mom, Joy, his sister Shannon and her daughter Jessica. We all talked for awhile and she said that she wanted to take some pictures of the two of us and I said that I also wanted some as well so I excused myself and went upstairs to get my camera. Because Bill had also been in touch with Richard when I went upstairs I told Bill I had just met Richard and to come down with me and I would introduce them.
After introductions we talked for a bit and took some pictures then we went up to the front as Richard wanted to get some memorabilia stuff. Bill signed a CD for him. It was really great meeting Richard. A super nice person. I said I would see him later after the show.
I had also run into Gary Larson who was by himself tonight as Rhonda had to stay home because their baby-sitter couldn't make it. Thanks to Rhonda for letting Gary out that night. LOL. I was glad we got to talk again. Gary is a super guy and his site has been a real benchmark to follow as I was working on trying to get my own going.
It was getting close to show time so we had to go back upstairs, me to get my video camera, and Bill to relax before going on.
We were all in the room and talking about what was going to happen. Eric kept saying he was going to do the Star Spangled Banner (after all it was Memorial Day) and was doing a bit of air guitar a la Jimi Hendrix. Then they were talking about the introduction as Brian Webster was at the sound board and wanted to give them a big introduction. Discussions went towards the past connection with Trower. Bill then asked me if I wanted to introduce them! As much of a kick as that would have been I said I would prefer to be ready to do the video and it was too far from a mic. Besides I would have probably been too nervous to do it!
Everyone was ready so I went downstairs to get into position with the video camera.
Pretty soon the lights went down and Bill, Eric and Mark came down the back stairs and walked up on the stage. I've got the camera recording when Brian announces the band. The guys immediately get into it! The first song "When The Sun Goes Down" is one of my favourite songs from their CD.
The show is fantastic. It was almost funny watching them perform because after spending so much time with them, I had put aside the fact that these were incredible musicians. They are a dynamic live band. The crowd really responded to the songs which were performed flawlessly.
Bill gets into a bit of a solo in "Messin The Blues" which was great. At the end Eric celebrates the occasion with an incredible "Star Spangled Banner" and they close on an old Hendrix tune Come On Part II.
The video turned out pretty well.
As soon as the crowd stops the final applause I am down off the perch I was in to help get all the equipment off the stage so the next band could set up.
Just for a bit of information on how the system works for bands playing this type of venue. The band that sells the most tickets out of the two opening acts is the band that goes on before the headliner. Bill's band had been told earlier in the week to stop selling because the place was a sell out and the other band had moved more. I thought this was totally stupid considering the acts. While the other act was good, they were not the calibre of BLX. I also didn't understand how the people doing the show would not want to make an exception to this because of the Trower/Lordan connection. To me this would have had more impact on the night for the crowd............... but what can you do?
Anyway I get down to the stage and start grabbing anything I can and we haul it out one of the back doors. It was great fun for me doing this. We had the stage cleared in just a few minutes.
So we are all standing outside and Bill is telling everyone how hot is was on stage and all the guys were in total agreement. The people from the club had brought drinks out for everyone. I was saying how great the show went and that everyone really seemed to get into it. It was wild just listening to these guys talk about the show. Carol ( Eric's wife) had come outside with everyone and then they closed the doors. She had to get back inside but she didn't have her ticket so I said I would take her in through the front. This was really funny because while I thought all the security guys knew that I was there with the band because I had been going upstairs past these guys all night I hadn't really been up by the front doors too much. I was really starting to get into this thing! Anyway we walked around the side to the front and I saw Alvino and Richard so we said hi and then we headed in through the front entrance. The guy looked at me and said "Go ahead" It was so cool to be "one of the guys"!
I went back outside to help load the truck up and once that was all done we all went back inside. By this time the other band was minutes from being done so we were going to get ready to watch Robin's set.
Earlier, I had been introduced to the guy who owned the place, ( his name escapes me) Mark Fry knew him and so he had told us to come up to his booth to watch the show (again everything was just happening to make it........you guessed it.......... perfect).
Robin came out and again the crowd went nuts.
If anything, they played better than the night before at the Galaxy. And as far as intensity goes Robin didn't skip a beat. He was so into it It was fascinating just watching him. It was so hot up on stage (and as anyone will tell you it gets hotter as the night goes on because of the heat from the lights) and Robin was giving it his all.
One of the things I saw when watching the people at both shows was how much Robin mesmerizes the crowd. When he was onto a lead and when he likes to do that quick little slide down the neck to bring the sound and the band down, I swear sometimes you could have heard a pin drop. It was so quiet, the crowd was just watching intently to what he was doing. It was a real experience seeing this aspect of the mood that he got the crowd into.
After Robin's set was over we went into one of the dressing rooms and we were all talking when Robin walked in and asked us how the show went. We chatted for a bit and then he said that he hopes to get up to Canada sometime (a nice gesture), then I asked him to sign this
poster as I have Alvino's and I just need to find Richard to get his autograph. Robin smiled and said sure so I opened up the poster and he signed it. I thanked him again.
We hung around for a few minutes and then I figured I better go track down Richard. I walked around to their dressing room and the door was closed. I knocked and Patrick opened the door. I said "Is Richard in here, I'd like him to sign my poster." Patrick turns and says "Hey
Richard, you have a fan here to see you!" Richard comes up to the door, looks at me and says to Patrick " That's not a fan ...it's Steve!"
I laughed at that one. It actually really made my day as it made me feel like "one of the boys". So I went into the room and Richard signed it. As he signed it "Best Wishes" (the same as Robin had) Patrick was giving him a hard time with not coming up with something original (Alvino had signed..."It was a pleasure..."). It was a good laugh. After he signed it I shook his hand and said thanks. Alvino came over and we shook hands and then I said goodbye to Robin and Patrick. It was an incredible moment for me. I will never forget it.
I headed downstairs to say goodbye to Richard Crail and we did a couple of group shots with Richard, Bill, Eric, Mark, Kate, and a friend who I knew through my site Eric Krause and his brother Dirk. Eric is a whiz at graphics and is going to be doing some cover work for the CD recorded at the Coachhouse.
After the pictures were taken we were just kind of hanging around. Robin was over at the other side of the room getting ready to go when someone came over and told Bill that Robin wanted to see him again. I watched from a distance as these two chatted privately for a minute and said their goodbyes. It was almost sad.
All of us then started on our way outside to the vehicles. Bill, Kate and Mark were all leaving in one vehicle and Eric was going to drive me back to my hotel.
This was kind of a different moment, I'm not sure if it was just me or if it was the fact that it had been such a great weekend for everyone, but it seemed that we continued talking out in the lot for a long time. As if trying to make it last just a bit longer.
But, as with every good time, it has to wind down and so it was time to say goodbye. It was a touching moment.
Eric and I talked the whole way back about old music and albums. It was such fun. Eric is a great guy. He offered to get up in the morning and drive me to the airport. I said that it was no problem for me to take a cab but he wouldn't hear of it. So Eric dropped me off and we make arrangements for tomorrow.
I got up to my room and phoned home. While I was totally overwhelmed by all the great things that happened and seeing Bill, Eric and Mark play and seeing Robin play again there was something different. I knew my adventure was almost over and after all the preparation that was done to make it happen, it had passed by too quickly.
The next morning Eric arrives and we head to the airport. As we drive by the Galaxy there is a moment of "Did this all really happen?" And then I felt a big smile cross my face as I realized that yes, it really had, and I am truly fortunate to have had the experience.
At the airport Eric got out of the car to say our goodbyes. A big hug from a real friend.
Well it's about eight hours later as the plane lands in Saskatoon and I'm quite tired from my whole trip, I look forward to getting through customs and getting home.
As I was seated in the back of the plane I was also the last person to go through customs. Still thinking that since there was only a handful of passengers I shouldn't be too long when it becomes apparent that the customs people have decided they are going to check everyone's luggage.
So I'm standing last in line to be checked, and I'm holding on to my signed "Go My Way" poster as there was no way I was going to pack it in my bag. After about 25 minutes the officer finally says "Next." and I walk into the checking area, throw my bag up on the counter and put the poster, very gently down beside my bag.
This Customs guy takes hold of the poster and starts to open it up and I say to him " Hey, please take it easy with that thing, I don't want it bent!" So he slowly starts to open it and asks me what it is. I reply that it is a poster from a band I saw. He looks at me and says "What band?" and, thinking that there was no way this guy would know, I respond back "Robin Trower!"
He looks at the poster and says "I know who Robin Trower is!"
At this point I look at my bag, then back at him and I said "Well, you're in for a treat when you open my suitcase!"
He opens my bag up and there are all my signed albums, tickets, pictures, newspaper clippings, drumsticks, a drum skin and a few other collectibles I got.
This guy is going "WOW, this stuff is great! How did you get it?" Well, about 20 minutes later I'm giving him my web site address and he's closing up my bag saying "Have a nice evening!"
Pretty funny way to end this completely unreal week end adventure, don't you think?
I arrive home full of excitement in being able to sit down and share this phenomenal experience with my wife and daughter who stayed up to listen patiently as I ramble on about all the things that happened. Of course I am not really being that coherent as I am tired and want to say everything at once and am trying hard to tell every little story. They humour me by staying up and listening until I'm done.
Well, there you have it.
I want to thank a few people while I have the opportunity; Davey Pattison, my friend, who I will always be grateful to for opening the door that started me on this journey. Bill Lordan, another friend, for the enthusiasm you have for your music, the generosity in sharing it with me and for inviting me to join you for my first Trower show. Kate Williams, for being so sweet and for taking all those great pictures! Eric Turner... of all the people I met that weekend, I spent the most time in your company. Thanks so much for providing your services as chauffeur and tour guide. You excelled at both! I really enjoyed our interesting conversations. You are a very kind and giving person. Carol Turner, for making me feel so welcome so quickly. Mark Fry, for your kindness and generosity, (next time Zubies RB and it's going to be my treat)!
To Derek Sutton, a true and loyal friend of Robin's, and an intricate part of what we as fans, get to enjoy from Robin. Thank you for allowing me the privilege of coming down and inviting me to see Robin live, and for trusting me enough to allow me to get on the inside of the shows and events.
A big thanks also to Patrick Rule for making my first show such a memorable one. Having the booth was such a great way to see Robin, I could not thank you enough for that and everything else you did. I am just sorry that I didn't manage to get you in a picture. You were always on the go, I guess the sign of a good road manager. A very intense job to say the least.
Thanks also to Alvino Bennett and Richard Watts for making me feel so comfortable while I was around you, for letting me take ALL those pictures, and for never once making me feel like I was intruding.
And to Robin Trower. First I have to thank you for the gift of your music. It has been an important part of my life for the last 25 years. You have always inspired me to find joy in my own guitar playing. Also a big thanks for being so generous with your time while standing for the camera, signing ALL my albums (eighteen pieces in all and after playing for 80 minutes)! It was such a pleasure to meet you and to sit and talk for a while. I will never forget any of it. On a more personal note, I remember when we stood to take the first pictures. As a rule I'm not a very nervous person, but at that moment I was, until you looked at me and offered your hand to shake mine. That simple gesture meant a lot to me.
I want to also give my personal congratulations to you on the release of "Go My Way". I have been listening to it for a week and it is an incredible piece of work. I have always needed a couple of listens to start to appreciate a recording but I can honestly say that I have liked this CD faster than any others I can think of. It is well written and recorded. It is progressive work and I am glad I got to witness some of it live and under such ideal conditions.
And finally and most importantly to Sue, for being so supportive in everything I do. Without you none of this would have been possible. You have always pushed me to go farther and to take chances when opportunities have presented themselves. I love you.
My thanks to everyone..
P.S. "Let's do it again next year!"

Reviews for "A Tale Untold"
I've been a Trower fan for about 25 years and your account of the Trower concerts you went to was fantastic. I really felt happy for you. I first saw him in Albuquerque about 7 years ago after being a "vinyl-only" fan. I remember the feeling as he lit up this small bar-renovated theatre and stood in front of him an arms length away for his entire show and met him afterword as he signed my Bridge of Sighs cd. I remember that Cheshire cat grin and got goosebumps as I read that part of your account.
Great. Gerald B
Your story is just great. Given that you waited so many years until you saw Robin Trower live, it's terrific that the event occurred with such style. I love hearing about such events, and it's particularly uplifting to know that some celebrities can be down-to-earth and very NICE Gregg F..Ph.D.
Great job on the Trower story! You had me glued to the computer screen so long my wife wanted to know if she needed to cut the chair from my ass. Once again, I just asked for a "Little Bit Of Sympathy." Peace----> Jack/Atlanta
I just finished reading your Robin Trower story - WOW, that was so very, very cool! Thank you so much for sharing in that, you made us all feel a part of it, as if we were there, as well.
Bruce D
I just read your adventure and loved IT Keith L
Thanks for sharing Steve! What an awesome experience! Congrats Ken C
Thank you for sharing your story. Top notch, top notch! I can't imagine how long it will take you to come down from all this. We Trower fans owe you a lot of thanks for your devotion. Thanks, Roland K
You have a very nice and easy-to-read style of writing - your story was very touching.
Sisca W
What a great account of your trip! Thanks for taking the time to let us all experience it so vividly with such detail. I felt like I was sharing your excitement through the whole narrative and I'm glad the entire trip turned out the way it did and exceeded all of your expectations. It couldn't happen to a nicer (or more humble and appreciative) guy.
Mike C
Congratulations Steve. I just finished reading "The Chronicle" and found it to be totally engrossing, as if I was there with you. Thanks for sharing and for such a wonderful, detailed account of your adventure. I, too, was sorry to see it end. Think I'll read it again! Great job.
Ron L
I thoroughly enjoyed the story of your all too awesome experience in Claifornia! You are a lucky man, indeed!! It's great to hear that the people we admire so much are so kind and down to earth. I'm very happy that you've had this grand opportunity and that everything went off without a hitch.
I'll see my first ever Trower show 2 weeks from tonight and I'm so excited I could jump out of my skin. I would have never been able to find out about attending this event if it wasn't for you and your excellent website. Thank you for all you do.
Eileen C.
I REALLY enjoyed your story!! Thank-you so much for all the kind words.That night for me was a blast and it was great getting to read about how much fun you had on your "big adventure".You did a great job!!!!!! Well actually....I just have to say it.......it was ,like eveything else..............."PERFECT"!!!!!
Richard C.