Movie Trivia....
Songs by Robin Trower
have appeared in the following movies
1.The Good Humor Man (2005) Soundtrack
2.Lords of Dogtown (2005) "Daydream" from " Twice Removed From Yesterday"
... aka American Knights (Philippines: English title)
... aka Dogtown Boys (Germany)
3.For Earth Below (2002) "It's a Fine Day", "For Earth Below", "Shame the Devil"
from " For Earth Below"
4.Dogtown and Z-Boys (2001) "Hannah" from " Twice Removed From Yesterday"
5.Private Parts (1997) "In This Place" from " Bridge Of Sighs "
... aka Howard Stern's Private Parts
6.Death Ring (1993) "If Forever" from " Take What You Need "
7.Rush (1991) "Bridge of Sighs" from "Bridge Of Sighs"
8.Hider in the House (1989) "Secret Doors" from " Passion"