Review from CJ Reagan
OK... after the HOB (Hollywood) and Galaxy Theater (Santa Ana) shows my expectations were high but nothing could have forecast the Ventura Theater show last night...in a nutshell WOW...From the outstanding opening act, blues rocker Alastair Greene to the final song 'Another Time Another Place' from the 'Living Out Of Time' CD this venue rocked hard. The sound system was extraordinary the mix was superb and the band was nearly perfect, some feedback issues at the start of the show didn't throw anyone off and once they were corrected it was full speed ahead. Oh yeah and damn the torpedoes...if there was a show on the So Cal. leg of the '08 tour not to miss...last night in Ventura was it, The theater is great for sound and the PA is set up in such a way that it even sounds great in the men's room, sorry ladies I wasn't able to do a sound check for you but I'll assume it sounded equally good for you too, Davey Pattison (vocals)sounded extraordinary, very strong voice and Pete Thompson (drums) in his usual fashion
played a flawless gig keeping the beat strong without a lot of flash, just the way RT likes it I presume. Glen Letsch (bass) is right at home with this line up, sounds like he's been playing with these guys forever and that's a good thing, a really good thing if you ask me, I do wish they would showcase the bass more (maybe a solo) and show what Mr. Letsch can do because he is clearly gliding effortlessly through this set, that too is a good thing but Glenn has a ton more to
bring to the party, (as anyone who has ever listened to Gamma already knows) it would be a treat to see.
Robin Trower has once again claimed his place at the top of my short list of all time (past and present) great guitar players, in a class with few others where he can gaze down from the top while most look up to him in admiration. This tour I saw Robin sing a little laugh a little and play a lot of what made him famous and loved by myself and very probably every person reading this review right now...he is indeed a MAN OF THE WORLD.
Review by Dave Whitlock
The 3/15/08 Atlantic City show was the most bizarre Trower show I have seen in the over 30 times I have seen the band since 1976. The band performed extremely well and the changes to the set list since the last tour were most welcome. I suspect that the crowd was largely intoxicated from the St. Patrick's Day celebration which featured a parade on the famous Atlantic City
Boardwark that same afternoon. Several of the celebrants must have continued throughout the day and were well lit up when the band took the state at 9:30 pm. As Davey broke into his driving vocals in "No Time" a fight broke out in the 5th row of the audience just a few folding chairs from where I was sitting with my wife. Apparently, a few members of the audience grew tired of a fan who was standing through the first 4 songs and took exception to his spilling some of his beer. The bouncers escorted the "gentlemen" involved in the scuffle out while Davey crooned on.
The "fun" continued when a middle aged "roundish" woman who appeared to be flying on estasy made her way around the room, sitting on stranger's laps, dancing with bouncers, trying to crawl on the stage and standing on the folding chairs. She eventually fell backwards into the crowd. Davey seemed to enjoy her antics at one point when she was trying to elude a bouncer. There were a few more women in the audience who also appeared to me enjoying the "love drug".
As to the show itself, I really enjoyed the new additions to the set list "Shame the Devil", "Fool and Me", "For Earth Below", "Islands" and "More Suspicious". The new bass player also was good and had a nice stage presence. The 4th through 6th song sequence of "No Time", "Fool and Me" and "Roads to Freedom" were probably the most satisfying song selection for me for any
Trower show ever. Of the 17 songs they played, I would guess 10 of them would be on my all time favorite list - not bad! If I can only hear "Long Misty Days" before the "Final" Farewell tour.
I agreed with the earlier reviews that the shortened "Too Rolling Stoned" was less satisfying...personally I would scratch "Twice Removed From Yesterday" from the opening and go back to the traditional "Too Rolling Stoned" to open the show. You can improve on perfection!
During the encore the guy next to me said "This guy is as good as Eric Clapton". I nodded my head, thinking to myself - "Clapton wishes he could play like that!"
Can't wait to see Tuesday's show in NYC!
A middle aged and very enthusiastic crowd attended this Trower concert. The setlist was exactly the same as the one that you have posted with one exception...and that was the final song of the night...Another Time Another Place. Robin and the band brought the crowd to its feet no less than 7 times! Fan favorites were: (Twice Removed From Yesterday) (For Earth Below) (No Time) (all Bridge of Sighs material) (Victims of the Fury) & (Hannah)
From the outset, you could tell that Robin was really having a great time and was enjoying himself. I dont know what kind ofP.A. system was used but....I can tell you that Pete's drum kit was booming and sounded incredible! Of course so did Pete!
Davey's voice was strong and solid and reminded me of how it sounded when I first heard him sing on the Passion tour in 1986. Glenn also sounded great and chimed in with a few good backup vocals.After the show I asked him how his foot was doing and he said it was coming along just fine. On a scale of 1-10 this concert was a 12! Over the years my wife and I have attended more Trower concerts than I can count and this was her favorite one of all time! It ranks in my top 3 Trower concerts of all time also. The sound out front was perfect and Robin's guitar did not seem as loud as it sometimes does. The acoustics of the room seemed to absorb the sound to perfection. The crowd went away withe a great sense of satisfaction and stayed around in good numbers to get everything from posters to guitars autographed. Its not yet the right time for Robin Trower to retire. Though he has nothing to prove as a guitarist he is playing at his peak as a live performer. This tour would make for an excellent live DVD and would probably be even better than the last one. Rock on Robin!
J. Reason
a New York State of Mind
BB King's Blues Club, NYC 3-18-19-08
reviews / images from Karen Slavik.
My passion for all things concerning Robin Trower began when I was 12 years old. My very first Trower concert was November, 1977 at the Commack Arena on Long Island. I don't think anyone ever forgets their first concert experience, especially if it was someone of Trower's caliber. I'll always remember the sound of his strat though the Marshall Amps for the first time, the blistering jams and smiles at a song well done between bandmates. In looking back I now realize how fortunate I was to see Jimmy Dewar as well. I knew as we left the arena that night that my life had been transformed. There was actually other "stuff" out there to listen to now that was not Beatle related! The next day I rode my 12 speed bike up to Looney Tunes to purchase my first Trower LP; It was In City Dreams and I couldn't get enough of it. The cover was dazzling.
January, 2008. A new Trower tour on the horizon! This afforded me the opportunity to see RT live again after many years of not being able to attend his shows for various reasons. Luckily this tour commenced in FL where I live. I purchased tickets to Jannus Landing in St Petersburg and Orlando's HOBs. My brother was flying down from NY for both shows! All of a sudden I felt that tingle of anticipation, excitement and even curiosity. I hadn't see Trower live in quite awhile and I was wondering if he'd still be able to ignite my soul as he had many years before. This was a special occasion also, to go see Trower again with Glenn. If not for him I never would have discovered Robin Trower in the first place and it was our first concert together in about 14 years.
The concert at Jannus Landing (review) was an uncertainty due to very severe thunderstorms that evening. But we drove south to St Petersburg with our fingers crossed and the show was on! The RTB were not up to their usual par that evening and I am postive the weather was a factor. I remember when they began For Earth Below a loud rumble of thunder accompanied the first chords and some blue tarp was placed over some of the equipment....despite this, my enthusiam was in full force and I was so happy to be there! Ecstatic actually.
The next night at the HOBs the band came on with huge smiles and were greeted by a very enthusiastic crowd! The band was tight and played extremely well and seemed to really enjoy themselves that night. It was the Trower I had remembered from way back when! He played a blistering version of Bridge of Sighs, soared through Hannah and it was a pleasure to hear Gonna Be More Suspicious live for the first time! My personal favorite that night was Rise Up Like The Sun. They really pumped that one out! I have to admit I was still trying to figure out the inclusion of Islands when they had such an extensive song list to choose from. Perhaps to give Davey's vocals a break? I left the HOBs that night feeling both happy and sad. I knew that was the last Trower show for me until the next tour and even then I was all ready praying that he'd come back around.
Sometimes situations in life end up working themselves out, if the timing is right. I picked up extra hours at work which afforded me the time off to fly up to NY for the March shows. I was beyond excited at this point as I have never been to either BB Kings or IMAC Theater, and I was actually going to get to see Trower live again.
Glenn secured 3 tickets for BBs; IMAC was sold out. They had all ready purchased 3 tickets and one of them was promised to Glenn's neighbor Don. This was to be Don's first ever live Trower performance. Ann Marie was willing to give up her ticket so I could go in her place. Through the Trower Power website I met a very special person whom many of you all ready know, Neil Calandra. Neil was gracious enough to offer to take me as his guest to IMAC and to see the soundcheck before the show. I gratefully accepted his offer and in turn I promised Neil a late lunch before hand and few cold beers. No one would have to give up their IMAC ticket and it also meant that I'd
have the opportunity to see a professional photographer at work. It was almost too good to be true!
The Trower shows in NYC for us were on the 19th and 20th. Word came from Neil that he was in the hospital awaiting emergency surgery!! Neil did not think he would be able to make any of the shows that week and I know he was just as disappointed as we were. Most importantly we were deeply concerned for Neil and only wished for him speedy and uncomplicated recovery. We all still held hope though that Neil would be able to attend at least one of the shows.
It was not looking good for Neil's discharge from the hospital the eve of BBs on the 19th. To add to that my brother Glenn was not feeling well and decided he wasn't going either. I knew my sister in law Ann Marie was a little ambivilent about driving into NYC and for a few moments I thought I would not make it to BBs myself! Talk about feeling such utter disbelief and tremendous disappointment at all that had and continued to unfold. How could such perfect plans unwravel so quickly? Fortunately Ann Marie decided we were not going to miss this event and off we went.
It was while we were driving into Manhattan on the Southern State Parkway that Neil text messaged me and said he was able to get Ann and I on the guest list for BB Kings!!! Much like Jannus it was raining that evening but the news from Neil certainly overshadowed the lously weather and unfortunate events. To have such an opportunity as being on the guestlist was almost incomprehensible, not to mention the chance of a lifetime!
As we made a right hand turn to head over to the parking garage, we were pulled over. Ann Marie unknowingly made a right turn where such a manuever is prohibited. Luckily the officer only wrote her a ticket for not having her seat belt on.
Still our mood was light and we were both very excited. We parked the van and walked to BBs, umbrellas in hand and huge smiles on our faces. As we stood in the downstairs doorway to the club itself in walked Trower, straight between us!
He politely ducked his head and said quietly "excuse me ladies", and we watched him go by, spellbound! We knew then it was going to be a fantastic evening. You could almost feel the electricity in the air such was our level of excitement!
Not long after our arrival we saw Ronnie Kerrigan and his lovely wife Sylvia. We sat down at a table near the backstage entrance and squared ourselves away with RT's road manager, Laurie. Laurie clearly had his hands full that evening but he was extremely helpful and very gracious and made sure we were settled in comfortably. His patience and good cheer was very much appreciated.
Glenn Letsch and Pete Thompson turned up to say hello and were extremely friendly and fun to chat with. I had mentioned to Glenn the difference I noticed from Jannus Landing to the HOBs, and he cheerfully quipped "Yea, that's because we didn't have to worry about getting killed!" (that's how bad the weather was 3rd show into the tour!)
I asked Glenn about his muscial background and learned that he also plays the saxaphone. We even chatted about Classmates.com and he mentioned that he was having tremendous fun this tour, meeting up with a lot of his old classmates etc.
I asked him if he was comfortable playing with Trower by now, he replied that he was and that "someone needs to be left of stage to reel Robin back in when he gets lost in the moment."
Soundcheck time! The band came out, Trower strapped on his strat and they played on and off for about 10 minutes! I understand that this is unusual, soundchecks are normally only a few minutes long. Happy glances at one another shared, a little tweaking, then RT broke open with the opening chords of Go My Way! Thrilled, is an understatement. Awestruck is more like it and he just jammed for a few minutes and I could feel the floor shaking beneath my feet!
We sat at our table, just up front and a little right of the soundboard, front and center. I overheard from Laurie that showtime was 8:15pm and they didn't keep us waiting long at all. The band walked onstage and seemed relaxed and very happy to be there. This tour the opening song is Twice Removed From Yesterday. It is one of my favorites from that particular LP along with Hannah. I have to note how refreshing it is to hear some very old but beloved songs included in this set list. Left out this tour is Daydream and much to Ronnie's dismay the jam that normally gets tacked onto the end of Too Rolling Stoned. I have to say despite that omission, I love how Trower blended the ending of TRS into the opening jam of Go My Way! Trower was on target that night, brilliantly so and it was clear, even to the casual Trower fan that he completely disolves himself into his playing, truly does get lost and when he plays like that I could actually cry.
He picks those strings forcefully then yet ever so gently to produce such a beautiful sound such as in Hannah.
Some of the songs performed that night, I feel, deserve to be mentioned here. Shame the Devil kicked it from start to finish, For Earth Below was just beautiful, thoughtful and soul searching. No Time has always been a favorite of mine as well as Gonna Be More Suspicious, Rise Up Like The Sun and Go My Way! The place was going crazy during these songs and as I looked around at the many fans there, I could see they felt the same way I did. I even saw young boys and teenagers there and I thought that was fantastic. Keep the music alive for generations to come so they say!
I also have to admit I am falling in love with Islands now, not that isn't a beautiful song; I just couldn't figure out why that particular song on the list this time round, why not Sailing which I know Davey would sing beautifully or In This Place? I did miss hearing Extermination Blues and would have loved to see and hear Trower perform Sweet Little Angel. A perfect ending to a near perfect set was Another Time, Another Place and I as I mentioned earlier, I hope that turns out to be true.
After the show Davey and Pete and Glenn came out, ate a little bit and graciously allowed me to take some more photos. I felt obligated to try my best to get some good shots for Neil who couldn't be there and hoped that I wasn't being a pest at the same time. We had the pleasure of meeting Pete's girlfriend Angie and shared a beer or two and she obviously enjoyed the show as much as we did. It was really great to be able to meet her.
We did however miss out on the opportunity to meet Trower one on one and get a signature and a photograph....the fans lined up and Trower graciously obliged each and everyone. Ann Marie wanted to get online but Ronnie insisted we hang out, to be patient, that we would get backstage....I could see the angst in Re's face but we also wanted to be polite and waited with Ronnie. Trower left smartly, did not hang around and there went that opp despite Ronnie's polite request to RT to get "one photo for the community". We did however get to chat a little more with Pete, Davey and Laurie, snap a few more photos and bid our farewell and offer up many thanks to all for such a tremendous evening. I couldn't wait to see how the photos turned out the next day.
IMAC 3-20-08.
IMAC Theater Huntington, NY 3-20-08
What a wonderful old theater and a very small venue. I cannot imagine a bad seat in the
house. The show sold out quickly and left me wondering why they didn't add another date at this venue. I am sure the second show would have also sold itself out quickly and it would have given many other fans on Long Island an opportunity to see their guitar hero in their hometown. It was Don, Glenn's neighbors turn to see Trower for the first time and I was almost excited for him knowing how I felt after my first show. We shared a few beers and settled into our seats. Trower was a little off that night, they missed a few beats that only a true Trowerhead would notice.
Again, I loved Rise Up Like The Sun and Go My Way and I think Don clearly had his socks knocked off! It is all he talked about on the ride home and he even patiently waited with me after the show, in the freezing wind for Trower to come round in his Suburban so I could get my autograph and picture which I missed out on the night before.
We waited for a good 30 minutes and I should have realized it wasn't looking good when other fans started to walk away. Don and I stood staring at the white barricades that were supposed to save Trower's spot and even picked them up when the wind blew them down. Still no Trower. I went back inside and was informed that most likely Trower left as he wasn't feeling good that evening. That explains the missed beats but still Trower didn't disappoint. I still came home with my RT 2008 ball cap and hearing Don's enthusiam over Trower's playing was pretty cool.
Some very special thanks are in order before I close. First of all to Neil Calandra for without whom this review would not have been possible. You are sincerely a special person and a wonderful friend. So glad to know you though we've yet to meet!
To Steve Shail for maintaining such a comprehensive Robin Trower website, always up to date, tons of accurate information (I did point a fan in your direction while waiting at IMAC) and beautiful to look at, lots of memorabilia and great stories.
To Laurie for all of his hospitality at BBs and for trying to secure a ticket for me to IMAC via NC's request. I really appreciate all that you have given us this tour, the memories will surely last a lifetime. I'd also like to thank Laurie and the guys at the soundboard in BBs for letting me pop off many many flash photos of Trower during the show and for being so nice about it when I was reminded of the "no flash photography request". I hope I got a lot of nice shots for this review and know I can count on Neil to choose the right ones. Thanks Re for being so much fun and for sharing my excitement and last but not least to my brother Glenn who started this whole Trower fascination to begin with.
A Paris State of Mind
Le Plan, Ris Orangis, Paris – 26 April 2008
My brother, John, and I walked to Le Plan from our hotel – and believe me it was a long-distance trek. No-one we asked knew what we were talking about, never mind where the venue was. “Look for the circus,” someone said. At least I think that’s what they articulated. Tired, weary and hungry we arrived in a rural area – I believe I saw a few cows, but they couldn’t speak English - then we found a modest sign for Le Plan. A large crowd had already gathered at the venue. We decided to go into the bar as it served food! I stopped chewing on my shoe, put it back on, and asked a waitress for a table – ecstasy. We sat and eat and had a few drinks – we didn’t go into the main venue until the support band was finished and Robin was ready to come on. The waitresses were hospitable . . . shame to leave.
The crowd, en masse, were captivated by the band from the moment they arrived on stage until they completed their final encore. The small, intimate, dark venue made for a great atmosphere. Tonight the Robin Trower Band definitely had ‘je ne sais quoi’ giving those privileged to attend ‘joie de vivre.’ The opening chords of ‘’Twice Removed From Yesterday’ confirmed the venue had great acoustics, and that the sound system & balance were perfect. Each member of the band could be clearly heard for a change; especially Davey’s vocals, which was a welcome change.
Some talented musicians’ grow into maturity and then decline swiftly or slowly. Robin isn’t one of those. While the set list was the same as the recent US Tour – mostly comprised of early works – there was no discernible loss in quality.
Pete’s new drum set-up sounded incredible and added a new dimension to the band’s sound. He sat enclosed by an array of cymbals, different drums, different brands, which he played with finesse - a pact with the devil maybe? Robin looked around at Pete a few times during the gig and smiled obviously attentive to some of the great touches Pete was adding to the music.
In New York it had been difficult to hear Glenn’s bass properly in the mix. Tonight, however, his bass playing was audible - the tone of his bass and technique perfect for Robin’s music. It was evident he was enjoying the gig as Glenn and Pete engaged in diverse grooves to complement Robin’s playing, and Davey’s singing.
The crème de la crème was Robin’s soloing in the coda of ‘Bridge of Sighs’. His playing at times varied between soft whispers and wailing screeches; all skilfully controlled highlighting Robin’s virtuosity. I just gazed in amazement and surprise. Breathtaking . . .
Davey was in fine voice throughout the concert (he could actually hear himself) which allowed him to concentrate on his delivery, and interact with the crowd.
Throughout the concert the standard of Robin’s guitar playing and soloing was the best I’ve witnessed. He seemed to be playing with more passion than usual; if that’s possible to envisage, and the spiritual dimension that Robin and the band created on stage seemed to engulf the audience.
Robin’s tone was beautiful tonight, totally beyond description – he was using a RT50 Cornell amp combined with a Marshall - only Robin knows how he gets his tone. I love the spiritual dimension Robin is able to deliver in concert; it evokes the sweet, aching agony of nostalgia and a unifying joy that stirs your heart, soul, spirit – call it what you will.
To summarise: Robin, Pete, Davey and Glenn played their hearts out tonight and showed they were, in terms of musical talent, ‘par excellence’. Catch them before the current tour ends. They’re on a roll, and it’s not a sausage!
Ronnie Kerrigan
Northern Ireland
When I purchased my tickets two months ago, the premium balcony seats had already sold out; only standing room on the main floor was available (not even barstools). And the place was PACKED!!! Usually, "The Surge" toward the stage doesn't happen until Robin begins to play, but it was wall-to-wall people from the very beginning.
The opening band (Slight Return) began shortly after 8:00pm and played for about 45 minutes. The highlight of their set was “Voodoo Chile, which, I gathered, is where they got their moniker.
After a busy final setup by Laurie and the crew, Robin and company (Davey Pattison, Glenn Letsch and Pete Thompson) took the stage around ten minutes past nine. The opening song, Twice Removed, began with a rousing cheer from the crowd. After just a minute or two, Robins sound system went dead. Robin seemed to respond with good nature, as the tech worked to fix it, while Pete and Glen continued to keep the rhythm going and Davey exhorted the crowd with hand claps. Was only about a minute and Robin resumed the song. From that point on, the performance was flawless! Of particular joy for me were a nostalgicNo Time, the soulful Roads To Freedom, a generous trip across Bridge Of Sighs, theblues-funk-rocking' of Gonna Be More Suspicious, and certainly not the least, the hauntingly beautiful Hannah. I'd seen the Set List posted on this site , but you just can't appreciate what a brilliant set list it is until you've heard it
performed with the precision and talent of these fellows!
Over ninety minutes and a tremendous showcase of great songs! Robin looked great!! And seemed to be in great spirits, too. In fact, everyone looked great, and performed with great energy. Davey was 'singin' the songs' and keeping the enthusiasm up as no one else can! Glenn did a great job on bass and was a perfect fit for the rhythm section with Pete, who was sporting some long locks since I saw him 18 months ago. Ya gotta love it! (Pete, all I have to say is, I've gotta have more cowbell !!!! :~)
The previously posted set list appears accurate except that during the encore, following Too Rolling Stoned, the band blended into Come To Me! This was such an inspired choice as they rocked the house down with this one. The last song of the evening, Another Time/Another Place was beautifully done and, as it turns out, so
appropriate, as I really felt that I'd been transported to just such a place! There are only 5 more dates left this week before they head back to Europe. If the show nearest you isn't already sold out, DON'T MISS THIS SHOW!!!!!
Steve, as you reported, there were three DVD cameras in use at the front as well as a couple of still photographers that were shooting the entire show. I can only hope that this show can be in our Christmas stockings, if not sooner!!! It will be a killer show!
Dedicated to Jimmy Dewar
The Return to
Making an emotional return to Glasgow – motherland to James Dewar and Davey Pattison - this is the Trower band’s first performance in the great city in a long, long time.
Couples scowl the line of fans looking for “any spare tickets” as we stand patiently, waiting for the doors to open. A very late sound check brings a slight delay. To save time, Aynsley’s drummer, Richard will play Pete’s kit tonight for the Lister band set.
Miraculously, Laurie and Guy throw it all together, their usual, abundant and effortless professionalism evident in all they do.
Inside, the sell-out crowd is in jovial mood. Any disappointment remaining after the calamity on the Clyde - the gig on the Renfrew ferry cancelled literally minutes before the doors were due to open, almost three years ago - has long since evaporated. The waiting is over as Robin rips into the opening bars of ‘Twice removed from yesterday’.
It’s a very special night for two families – the Dewars and the Pattisons.
Robin dedicates ‘For Earth Below’ to James Dewar and ‘Hannah’ to Jimmy’s daughter, Wendy, who is in the house tonight. Davey’s sister Joy and the assembled Pattison-clan are here too, this being the first opportunity they have had to see Davey perform in his home town since leading Gamma into the fray back in the early 1980s.
The band is lifted by the rapturous and genuine, heartfelt applause of the Glasgow crowd. Pete, Glenn, Davey and Robin push on to deliver a performance of breathtaking belief and passion. Wendy, Joy and the families can be justly proud tonight.
So far, seven shows in nine days. Tomorrow’s gig is in West Yorkshire, Sunday’s in Norwich. It’s a relentless schedule, offering only the briefest of respite. Yet these four musicians are in sizzling form, digging deep, keeping it tight, and giving it their all, every night.
This is Alan Howard for ‘Steve’s Place’ reporting from the Arches in the great city of Glasgow. 16 May 2008.
and from Ray Martin
I have to start this email with a WOW!
Some four days after the gig I am still telling everyone I see about the fantastic concert they missed over in Glasgow.
I flew in to Glasgow international airport from Belfast George Best airport at 5.30PM and got a taxi to the hotel to meet up with Alan Howard who was already checked in from earlier. The tickets say doors open at 7pm so after just 1 pint Alan and I decide to take the short stroll to the Arches. Lovely evening for a dander in Scotland's largest city. I had not got my tickets through the post and had found out I had to pick them up from the box office at the venue.
We were directed round to the door and were surprised to see a queue formed outside. Sound checks running late we were told.
Pete could clearly be heard running through his sound check. Unmistakeable Thompson thumping of the skins shaking the walls of this old underground venue. It's gonna be loud I thought. GREAT!!
We were entertained by a formidable banjo player busking outside the door and earning the respect of all Trower fans waiting with patience. (That's how I want to remember it anyway)
Once inside it was clear the ambience was going to be just right. I needed another pint, quick. Aynsley Lister played a great opening set and I would encourage everyone to invest in his new album "Upside Down". Aynsley's music and style complimented Robin perfectly. He reminded us he was a warm up act and warm us up he did. The presence of Bass player Jo Nichols made it all the easier to watch too.
Robin's set is too well documented to repeat every song here, suffice to say he has never sounded so good as he did on Friday night.
He has a knack of bringing the whole audience with him on his various journeys over the Bridge of Sighs with The Fool and Me to Another Time, Another Place. Fantastic. BOS was better than the version on Beyond The Mist, I'm sure it was.
Robin dedicated Hannah to J.D's daughter Wendy and For Earth Below to the Great man himself. Davey Pattison did both songs proud. Dare I say it but, as good as JD himself. Had me in tears with Hannah. I still would have liked to have had Daydream included in the set. My all time favourite Trower track.
Glenn and Pete were solid behind an ever soulful Robin, despite Pete admitting to us he was knackered earlier in the evening he gave it his all.
I wasn't sure if Glenn would fill Bronzie's shoes but he more than does, adding a funkiness to the whole show which sounds particularly well on the newer version of Go My Way Robin is playing now.
After the concert we spotted Joy (Davey's sister) front and centre so made our way over to say hello. Davey joined us after a few minutes and we all retired to a nearby pub for a well deserved pint or Irn Bru.
Another great night in the company of Robin Trower, Davey Pattison, Pete Thompson, Glenn Letsch and of course ALAN HOWARD. (Mr TrowerUK)
Attached a few pics of the gig.
Sorry Steve I didn't take any more than this I was too enthralled with the whole experience.
“Let me hear you say YEAH!”
pictures & review from our own Alan Howard
A few days off followed by a trip to the Welsh outback of Pontardawe. Now onto a pro venue with a pro crew for a pro show, big time.
Was tonight the best show of the tour so far? Certainly, Pete and Glenn felt so, afterwards. You have to say ‘YEAH!’
Robin and the band walked on stage at 9pm precisely and played their hearts out for 90 minutes. It was a performance of immense strength and depth. The mix was excellent throughout, even down at the front.
Davey, who has been in particularly sparkling form on this tour, really belted it out tonight. His vocals were absolutely magnificent. The fact of the matter is, nobody does Jimmy Dewar anthems like ‘Shame the Devil’, ‘For Earth Below’ and ‘Gonna be more suspicious’ like Davey. He really is one in a million.
I may be less than unbiased but this band’s rendition of ‘No Time’ on this tour is probably one of the best pieces of music you are ever likely to hear. Living the lyric, with every minute, Davey spits out the words tonight. What a great number, it is! Boy, does this band know how to dish it out?
Pete steps up into another gear tonight. It’s great to hear him tingle the bells of his cymbals with his trademark offbeat ride during the chorus of ‘Roads to Freedom’.
Glenn’s soulful syncopation - on those numbers I have previously dubbed the ‘Motown trio’ [‘Rise up’ – ‘Victims’ – ‘Suspicious’] – is starting to creep into the set elsewhere. Fabulous. ‘The Fool and Me’ has a much funkier feel tonight due largely to the lines he is now throwing, twisting and turning in and out of the arrangement.
Robin is in top top form, playing very deeply. The highlight is, without doubt, ‘Bridge of Sighs’ which is greatly extended as he squeezes out every last ounce of expression, tonight.
The music is real all right and the passionate reaction from tonight’s packed audience, I hope, gives Robin the sort of feedback and reassurance, he would want for himself from his devoted British fans.
John Waters, David Smith, Tony C and many others are also in the house tonight. I think I even spotted Ronnie Kerrigan too?
From the capital we move next to the magnificent, trophy-winning city of Manchester. Bring it on! Or, as Davey said several times tonight, “let me hear you say YEAH!”
This is Alan Howard for ‘Steve’s Place’ reporting from the Astoria, London, England. 23 May 2008.
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SET LIST From the albums
Twice Removed From Yesterday / For Earth Below / Bridge Of Sighs / Victims Of The Fury / Back It Up / Passion / 20th Century Blues / Go My Way