I honestly can't believe I am sitting here writing about another trip to England to see
the band perform. Never in a million years did I ever think I would go even once, and now here I am, back from a second trip!
It started out that I had no intentions of going, but then along came a few people that just would not allow me to say no to getting on that plane and flying over. Alan Howard and his friend Duncan Springall, made me an offer I just could not refuse. So with their help, a lot of encouragement from my family and friends once again, it seemed that it was destined to be.
As I have been reliving the trip in my head since being back almost five months, I realize the impact it had on me as far as seeing the absolute best in people. The people that I was with, I cannot begin to say how welcome you made me feel. I have tried to come up with the perfect line that sincerely expresses how grateful I feel for everything that you all did, but nothing that I write even comes close to conveying what I feel .... thank you all for inviting me into your lives for a brief moment. I will never forget it.
So here it is.....
While making the plans for what was going to unfold, Alan suggested to me that there were three great shows that we could easily get to and in the time frame we had discussed. Southampton, Bilston and Manchester were the three shows and it gave me the possibility of a forth in Wilbarston. Alan had generously offered to drive me, as he put it, "anywhere you want to go", so I started looking into what these places offered.
I talked it over with the band and a few "opportunities" started to materialize.
Pete had kindly offered me a stay at his place with Davey when I first arrived, as the band would be on a break at the time. Alan would pick me up at the airport and take me to Petes then two nights there and then I would drive with Pete, Davey and Dave, the three hours to Southampton for the first show. Once in Southampton, I would meet up again with Alan and Duncan and we would continue on our little adventure.
Southampton was perfect as it would provide the possibility of finally meeting up with a family friend that I have known for about 5 years, but had never met face to face. Bilston had a couple of pluses. I always heard the Robin 2 was an amazing crowd favourite plus we would be able to drive by the infamous Stonehenge that I have always wanted to see. Manchester was next and I could tour around the city plus drive over to Liverpool just because, hey that's where the Beatles came from.... I had to go there.
The possibility of a fourth show was there and then an overnight stay with Alan and his family and then off to Heathrow the next day. It just might work!
Anyway..... here is how it worked out ....... and it was .......... amazing!!!!
About a week before I left we had everything in place. Sue had even made me up a day itinerary book so I knew what was going to be going on. This is a good thing for me as this close to the trip I am starting to get a bit " distracted". It was a long week for my family.
The strange thing coming from Saskatoon is that I leave one day and arrive the following day. I left Sunday night and the flight was great (I slept most of it) and I arrived at London's Heathrow on Monday April 24th around noon.
As I was coming off the plane I saw Alan standing at the side of the gate. I had met Alan in April of 2005 when I went to London for the first time. In the past year we have talked a number of times on the phone, and especially in the last month while making our plans.
Alan is a good friend and a huge fan of the band. I am sure that he holds the record for seeing more shows from the last few tours in the U.K. than anyone else. While talking to Davey one day before I left I told him that Alan had offered to drive me around to the shows and such. He said, "you mean Superfan Alan? " The band could not help but be familiar with Alan. He is always up front at the shows and always has a good time. Alan has also been responsible for sharing his experiences with those of us who could not get to the shows with his great photos and enthusiastic reviews that you can find on both our sites.
We were both clearly excited about the upcoming week and decided to stop for a coffee in the airport just to discuss our plans for the day.
While making plans at home I had looked over some of the tourist sites I could possibly be fortunate enough to see this time. Last year most of the time with Neil and Amanda (Calandra) was spent in the London area and we got to see and do so much. This time I would be only passing through London on the way to Pete's and would only get back to it when I left.
I hadn't mentioned it to Alan yet but at the airport when we got discussing Liverpool and the Beatles I asked Alan if we were close to Abbey road in London or could we pass by it on the way to Petes? I had the directions in my book and if it was close.... hey if the opportunity was there I just had to walk across the road and get my picture taken... right? He looked at the directions and said no problem, so we headed out of the airport terminal.
We got to the parking garage and were walking around when Alan started to look a bit puzzled. Where was the car? His new car. We couldn't find it. I started giving him the gears saying that seeing all these Trower shows was maybe starting to have an effect on him!!
We walked for a bit and then Alan said that I should wait at this one spot while he tried to locate it. It was pretty funny standing in London Airport watching Alan walk off aimlessly looking for his car. Of course, I brought this incident up every time we parked somewhere after that. It wasn't long before he came driving up to where I was and we set off to find Abbey Road.
As we left the airport I was looking around and thinking how some of this looked so familiar as it was almost a year ago to the day that I had been here. Driving around London is always interesting. So much to take in. I love it there.
Following our maps we made our way down to Abbey Road which is in the North West London district called “St John’s Wood”.
As we were driving it was great just talking about all the things we were going to experience in the next few days. All of a sudden there it was...... that picture from the album. We drove down the block and parked the car so we could go check it out. I must admit that I was very excited to actually walk across that notorious crosswalk and yes, have that picture taken.
The Abbey Road studio is on the left side where the FedEx van is parked.
The funny part about doing this picture is that this street is very busy and I guess over the years and years of people stopping traffic to take pictures the regulars who use it have very little patience for slow walking pedestrians! I read on one of the sites that you do have to be very careful. So as we are trying to get this shot, there was a few others trying to do the same thing. We all wanted that same picture though so it was hilarious taking turns and trying to find the right angle. You can't take the exact one as on the album as you would have to shoot while standing in the middle of the road. Not the smartest thing to try. It was just one of those really memorable things that if you do it you never forget it.
So after Abbey road we settle in for the drive to Petes.
Alan and I are like kids. Stereo loud with lots of RT stuff.... we are going to go to some rock shows, have a few laughs, drink a few pints......ahh.... I wondered what the other old people were doing that week!!
As we are getting close to Petes we are trying to find this one street. We were driving along we passed this pub and I said to Alan that I recognized the name as a place that the guys go to and that it was close to where we should be. We drove for a bit more and then checked the map again. We ended up turning around and soon found Petes.
The place that Pete stays in is an incredible house. I was told it is about 500 years old and Anne Boelyn is believed to have been there at some point. I think it has like 25 bedrooms... it is a big place. Davey used to tell me that it was haunted! He would stay there some nights by himself during a tour break if Pete went to see family overnight. Lots of noises he said. Pretty funny stuff.
So we pull into the driveway and find the side door (which is just to the right of the hedge and this is part of the living room which overlooks this beautiful valley).
I go up and knock on the door and Pete and Davey come and greet us. It has been just over a year since my last trip and it is great seeing the guys again. We probably talk every couple of weeks but it is always nice to see them in person.
Inside we go and Pete takes us for a bit of a tour around the house and then into one
of the living room areas where we sat and chatted for a while until we decided we should head off to the pub as it was getting close to dinner.
When the band is on a break Davey usually stays with Pete and on numerous occasions Davey had mentioned The Victory Inn as the place where he usually relaxes.
Pete wanted to drive us down as he had to go and pick up a navigation device for the band so in their travels they could actually find where they were wanting to go!
We all got in the van and down to the Victory Inn we went. So we are sitting in the pub and I asked Davey if Dave was going to come down.
He gets his phone out , dials Dave and hands me the phone. Now before Dave answers Davey says " He is going to think it is me and will say Hey SHUN" and before he can finish I hear Dave going "Shun!!!" on the phone.
Davey has been tagged with this nickname by Dave which comes from Dave's, as he himself puts it, " my over the top impression of a Scots accent, I have been known on occasion to make fun of Davey simply because of his Scottish ancestry).
When I said hi, Dave knew who it was and said that while he had a couple of things to do he would definitely be down to visit in a while. Then we called Steve Russell and coincidentally went through the exact same process.... "Shun" he said when he answered the phone!
You really have to hang around with these guys to understand what a funny group of people they really are.
We had some dinner and then Dave showed up. I was sitting with my back to the door when these hands came on my shoulders. I turn around and there is "The wonderful" Mr. Dave Bronze.
While I had met Dave before and we have had lots of communication over the years, you have to be around him to appreciate what a weird sense of humour he has :o). He is always doing these impressions of sorts.
Soon Steve showed up and we all sat around telling jokes and talking about music, the band, the tour and a multitude of other subjects. Steve's girlfriend Lorraine also joined us later on. This night was just the perfect way to start the week. Sitting in an old English pub, having a couple of pints, sitting with some good friends... What more could you ask for?
After a couple of hours of lots of laughs and some great great discussions it was time to get going. Pete had left a bit earlier has he was still under the weather. We said our good-byes and all went out into the parking lot. Lorraine said she would drop us off at Petes. We all got into her car and made our way back.
Pete was still up listening to The Blue Nile, a much under-rated band from Glasgow.
Davey decided to go to bed as he was still getting over his cold also so Alan, Pete and I stayed up and talked for a bit time until Alan decided that he should probably get going home. Pete had told him he could stay over earlier on but Alan had a few things to do the next day so off he went.
We talked for a bit longer and then it was time to get some sleep. My room was really nice and actually Pete had told me that earlier that day that Davey had vacuumed it! These guys really went all out to make my stay comfortable.
I know I have said this before but I have had the pleasure of getting to know the people in this band personally over the last few years and for the most part when I talk to them it is as a friend, but every once in a while the thought does come into my mind who they are in conjunction with my own musical roots, and I will go into fan mode. I have said this to them all at one time or another and they think it is pretty funny but I think sometimes how surreal it is that, after listening to this music in one form or another for a huge portion of my life, that I would be fortunate enough to actually get to know the people who have had such a big influence on me. I consider myself very fortunate.
I mention this because, as a fan, can you imagine someone telling you that Davey Pattison just cleaned your room! The thought is mind boggling !
The sound check
Sound checks for the band I would have to say are very boring. For me it is one of the best parts. From the few I have been lucky enough to sit through they go something like this.....
Laurie and Steve start very early getting all the equipment unloaded and set up. Guitar strings are changed and tuned, everything has been turned on and checked. One interesting thing is that all the venues use their own sound systems so Laurie is usually talking to the venue sound people to analyse the board and it's basic functions. I actually watched this go on at one of the venues and Laurie's incredible at getting what he wants from the system.
There is almost always tea.
Pete and Dave are usually on first and Pete will start going through his kit playing each drum and cymbal until all are happy with the sound. And they pick up the most amazing things. As they go through little things like a loose part will cause a sound. Me, I couldn't hear it, but they all could. Dave will be getting his stuff ready and they usually just get into some grooves and jam. While this is going on they are communicating back and forth with Laurie who is set up in the back area of the venue.
Then Robin will start getting his stuff ready. I am always fascinated by this part as Robin will go through some warm ups and I find that it is here, when the sound is down low and he is just free wheeling a bit that you see some amazing stuff out of him that you don't see during a performance. And that tone that he gets is simply incredible.
Robin will play a few things while Pete and Dave are playing along, Laurie is getting the sound down and, depending on the room, Robin may adjust the amp position or change the volume on the sounds he is getting through his monitors. Usually just some impromptu jamming goes on.
Once everyone is happy they will play parts of a few of the set list. This tour the first song they were doing for the check was Twice Removed From Yesterday. They don't do the complete song, they just go till it feels right to stop. The second song varies but the actual playing only takes maybe 15 minutes and then they are done.
A side story to this as I want to convey the thoughts that go through my head while this particular scenario is going on.
When I first got to see Robin play in 2000 in LA I did not know any of the the people involved. It was Bill Lordan and Derek Sutton who really made that trip possible. At that time though, the sound checks were closed events. Even at the first venue Bill would not go in without an invitation. Robin has always kept these under wraps. Which I completely understand. Fortunately for me at the second show I saw we had arrived early and we were in the room when the sound check took place. I knew that that was a rare thing.
Robin follows a pretty strict routine and having someone else around can sometimes throw that routine off. Because of that, I have often wondered what he is thinking while
I am walking around with a camera and a video camera. While he knows me and my family I
think he would still prefer to have closed sessions. Robin, I really do appreciate your making these couple of exceptions. I know the guys are ok with it but I am always aware of what is going on and never say anything. Robin also knows that the stuff I take will never be on the market. It is all just personal stuff that I only share with my family so they can experience the trip with me. I think that trust factor helps a lot.
So during the sound check I just walk around the room with the camera going or I sometimes sit in the middle of the floor and just watch them play. It's like going to a private show and is a real highlight of my going to these things. Hearing them in an empty hall is also very different from a crowded one.
After the sound check Robin went up to do an interview for a UK magazine so we were going to have to hang around until he was done before we could get back to the hotel.
While we were downstairs Jon Amor, who has opened a number of shows for the band, was getting set up for his check. Pete and I were talking to him for a bit and Jon is a really nice guy. Please go to his site and check his stuff out. I know you will like it as much as I do.
There are also some great entries on his site in the journals about his shows with Robin and his interaction with Laurie and Steve. If you read them there is a reference to calling Steve and Laurie " Mostin" Mostin Sr. and Jr. actually. I asked Laurie about it and he said that " this was a name that came out of my hat one day and it seemed to catch on so Steve and myself call each other Mostin and so do a lot of other people."
Robin finally finished up his interview and we all drove back to their hotel. Robin was still feeling a bit under the weather and went up to his room to relax. The rest of us went for a pint in the hotel bar. I had made arrangements to meet up with Alan and Duncan there and then we would head to our own hotel. My two travelling mates soon showed up and joined us for a pint. After another great conversation and a few laughs the guys went to unwind and we went to get some dinner and get ready for the show.
We only had a short time to relax once back at the hotel and then we thought we should make our way back to the Brook just to make sure we got in early.
We got a taxi and drove up to the venue and as we were coming up to the venue you could see this line up that was around the block to get in the front door! It was packed. We had the driver let us off right in front and I could see Steve up on the balcony. I asked him if we could go in the back way but the doors were locked. We walked up to the front door on the other side of the line and I knocked on the door and luckily the guy recognized me from the sound check and so he opened the door for us.
We went upstairs as we thought it would be the best vantage point to watch the show.
As people started to come in I looked at the table beside us and I recognized the interviewer from the magazine from the afternoon so I leaned over and started talking to him. Really nice guy named Marc. We exchanged emails and I mentioned to him that if he was looking for some pictures for the article that I would put him in touch with Neil.
John Waters and Martin Hughes soon found us and we all sat together.
I was quite nervous at this point because I had been so looking forward to meeting Andrea. I thought I might go downstairs to see if I could find her so I told the guys at the table that I would be back.
They had just started letting people in so it was not too crowded yet. I came downstairs on the left side of the stage and walked past the front of the stage to the far side and still didn't see anyone that looked slightly familiar.
As I turned to walk back in front of the stage I looked over by the merchandise table and at the same time there was Andrea looking over at me. As soon as our eyes met we knew each other and both started smiling. This was so cool! I walked straight over to her and we both hugged like old friends. We have had so many wonderful conversations over the years and to finally be sitting and talking was amazing. I had to go back and tell Alan that I was going to stay downstairs for the show and that we would hook up later.
So Andrea and I were sitting talking up a storm and she reaches down into her bag and says "I have something for Sue and Jamie" and pulls out these two beautifully wrapped packages. This is Andrea. She is always doing sweet things like that. She always calls or sends cards on the special days in ones life, she never forgets. I remember the first time we actually talked on the phone. We had talked a lot over the internet but never over the phone. On my 50th birthday the phone rang and who is on the other end? You guessed it. What a great surprise.
Also with her was son Robbie, who supplied one of the pictures you see here. Robbie is great guy and a real car lover. I have seen some of his collection of car photos.
I remember saying to Andrea that I wondered what Robbie thinks seeing his Dad up there captivating audiences like he does. I mean, I could not even imagine my Dad doing that! Her response was that this is all his Dad has ever done so it really isn't unusual to see him on stage.
We had to get some pictures together so I got my camera out and .....out of power!
I felt so stupid! I ran upstairs to get Alan's help. He came down and I introduced him to everyone and he took a few pictures for us. Some great shots .. but not for the site. :o)
Sadly Andrea passed away in 2014 and so when I was telling Derek recently that I was going to get the site back i mentioned that I wanted to put some pix of us and he thought it would be ok to share now.
Andrea and I sat together during the show and we were talking allot. Robbie went up to the front to enjoy it.
Jon Amour came out and did a great job and the crowd were very responsive. Again please check his site out. He is a very talented guy that I know you would enjoy hearing.
Then Robin and the Hoods came on and the place exploded into cheers!
This was it! I had been waiting so long to hear this particular set list and I knew the opener TRFY was going to really set the tone for the show.
This was my first time with the new set list and I was blown away by the renditions of the older material. The whole band was tight ( although Robin said afterward that he was a bit nervous because he would look down and see Robbie there, which I thought was really funny) and every song had the crowd going wild.
We spent the whole show watching the performance and talking in between songs.
I can remember one moment during the second part of Too Rolling Stoned and Robin was really getting into it.
One of the things you have to appreciate is that all of them, as individuals, are amongst the top players/ performers in the world and one of the things that makes real performers is the ability to get into that zone where thought does not really enter into what you are playing... it just starts to flow. You can see that in some of the pictures, the eyes are closed... the music flows.
I have always used the term "cheeky" when I have seen it because on the odd occasion when I have played "there" I know that you really step back from yourself... and it's weird feeling because you don't really know what's going to come out. In their case it is always great... in mine... not so much. :o)
Anyway, Robin is really into the solo and you could just feel the notes flowing from within. I leaned over to Andrea and said " he's getting really cheeky right now!" I think she could tell by the smile on my face that this was a compliment and also the fact that I was making verbal comments like " wow" during most of it! Robin just does things on that guitar that completely shock me. And that he can still surprise me after all these years is one of the reasons I am such a fan.
Davey was amazing. He is always amazing. He has such soul in his voice. Davey has always wanted to do Hanna since the time I first got to know him and his love for the song really came through in his performance. He is so comfortable in front of a crowd and it was great to hear him sing again and especially on some of my favourite older tunes like Victims although I was disappointed that Fine Day had been dropped. An amazing front man that always has fun on stage.
Dave is the consummate musician. He is so good it's scary. Always knows what's going on on stage and always seems to be having a great time. A complete professional! I think a great suggestion for a song would be something like Messin the Blues. They used to have a bass solo in that and I for one, would love to see Dave let lose in a solo! I have heard Dave with lots of others including Clapton, Dr. Feelgood and many others. He just has a great style. I think his bass playing pushes Robin a lot.
Alethea would be another suggestion to allow Pete to showcase his playing. I was so impressed by Pete and his playing. He plays so effortlessly and yet the drumming is very intricate. At the Manchester show from where I was I could see everything he was doing and was totally blown away with how good he really is. I showed my video to a guy who I have played in bands with all my life. Ron is a great drummer, and when he saw the shows he was totally impressed with Pete... and... he used the word perfect when talking about his chops.
Robin has such a gift and can find ways to express himself through his playing that are truly awe-inspiring. He really is getting better. Hard to believe!
I had jokingly said to the guys on the trip out that I had travelled a long way to visit and I expected everything they had! I saw it that night. This is a tight band.
As soon as the show ended we hung around for a few minutes and then Andrea said that we should go up to the dressing room. It was crazy up there. We wanted to get lots of pictures and we did. After a few I was sitting down and Robin sat down in the chair beside me and we looked at each other and the look on his face was sort of like oh please not another picture! Pretty funny moment.
We visited for as long as possible but it was starting to get late and so time to go. While I would be talking to Andrea a number of times while I was there I was sad to have to say goodbye after such a short meeting. It was so nice to finally meet you. Remember the offer to come to the cottage is always open. Just on a note, the whole time I was there I would get these little messages on the phone asking if everything was ok and that we were getting around all right. She was looking out for me which was sweet and so typically Andrea. As a matter of fact the next time I phoned home Sue and Jamie had already heard from her and had seen some of the pictures!
We were going to meet the guys back at the hotel for a night cap so I left to find Alan and Duncan who I hadn't seen since the start of the show. I soon found them and we headed outside and called for a cab.
We got to the hotel first and went into the bar. Not long afterwards the boys showed up..... great long chats about the show, the songs, everything, Some really interesting discussions and observations on things in general. It is really a unique thing to be able to watch someone perform and then afterwards sit around and talk with them about it. We were there for an hour or so and then it was time to head back to our hotel.
It was pretty hard to unwind when I got into my room so I decided to phone home and report in to the family! After a lengthy chat I knew we were getting up early tomorrow to head to Bilston and the Robin2. We had also made plans for Stonehenge so it was time for sleep.
Tuesday April 25
Relax Day
The next morning I woke up and headed down to the kitchen to get a coffee. It was already on and soon Pete and Davey joined me. One thing you have to know about Pete is that is loves to sing. He is constantly singing these little rifts of music. Actually at one of the sound checks he and Robin got into this quick jam and Pete was singing. It was really good. You always knew where Pete was because you would hear this singing.
Anyway Pete had to head into London for a few things and so Davey and I were going to wait until noon when the pub opened to go get some food. I had some recordings of the band that had a few unreleased songs on it that I have always liked and so I put them on the stereo while we talked. Some of the tunes he didn't even remember but thought they were fantastic songs. Well we killed an hour or so and then it was off to the pub for lunch.
We ended up hanging around there for a few hours. Again this was a great time but I can really imagine what it is like when you have to do this for a few days if you are on a break.
We did have some great conversation though didn't we mate!
That's another thing I love about the U.K. Everywhere you go, when you talk to someone the term "mate" is always used. Even with strangers. It's very cool.
So we head back to Pete's and today is the day of one of the big soccer games and so we had planned to watch that. Petes brother Paul and Petes Dad John were over to watch it. We ended up going back to the Victory for dinner with John before the big game. It was a great night and just hanging around these people was a lot of fun.
Wed April 26
Southampton........ The Brook
We got up Wednesday morning and today was the day of the first show.
One of the things I have learned in getting to know the people who so touched my life is that privacy is a big thing. Especially for Robin and his family. I have never brought it up before on my site because it really doesn't have anything to do with it, but for this story I have to as, to me, it is an important part of the story.
As I mentioned, the Southampton show gave me the chance to meet up with a friend of the family. About 5 years ago I had the special surprise of being contacted by Robin's wife Andrea as we had a couple of mutual friends. Over the years we have become friends and talk regularly. A very sweet caring woman who always remembers the special occasions :o) in ones life. We had arranged to meet at the show and I was very excited to finally meet her. We had tried to meet up last year but something came up and unfortunately she could not make it .... but not this time!
Anyway the day started fairly normal at Petes (if you can say anything is ever normal at Petes!) as we all got up and faced the day. We were hanging around listening to some cds and then Pete said he wanted to show me around a bit. Davey was going to go to the Victory for something to eat so we said we would catch up with him later.
Pete asked if I wanted to go see the studio where they recorded the album. Of course I said yes and off we went.
...We then thought we should grab some lunch so Pete said that we could go to this restaurant the guys went to while they were recording the cd as the food was good.
Again, the exact conversation is not important but Pete is a really fun guy and we just had a good time talking over lunch. We couldn't stay long though as we had to meet Davey and then pack up and go get Dave.
As we pulled in the Victory parking lot I could see the wee man sitting in the "usual" spot.
So as we are walking up to the door I had to take a shot of him in his home away from home and while doing that Davey gave me the universal Scottish greeting of saying "Hey, you're number one!" A fine tradition I must say.
I had a pint with Davey while Pete watched. He is the driver after all.
So we finished that and then it was time to pick up all the stuff and head over to Dave's. While we were at the house Pete came up to me and said "Here, I have something for you" . He handed me this tour itinerary book that the band had for the German leg of the tour. It was very cool and Pete had signed it to me. Very nice tour book with the venue info , contacts , times etc. Very professionally done.
The three of us pile into the van and drove about a half hour to Dave's place to pick him up. Dave has a great place which is very close to the channel. Dave is ready to go when we get there so we packed him up and then headed off to Southampton.
We had a great trip out, lots and lots of stories and many jokes and I shared a few pictures from home with the guys. Listened to some great music. Dave put on some Little Feat which they are big fans of, and I was telling them that my brother-inlaw (who is a musician out of the Philadelphia area) has been doing some recording with the drummer Richie Hayward. Dave says "oh, I have known Richie for a long time ..please have him say hi for me". Small world.
As we are coming into Southampton Dave gives Robin, who was at the hotel, a call to see what was happening with the sound check and if we were going to meet him there. As it turns out we have to swing by the hotel and pick him up. Now Robin has this same bug that Pete and Davey have had over the last couple of days but like the others knows that the schedule must be maintained so he is already downstairs when we pull up to the hotel.
Robin gets in the seat beside me and we start chatting, shake hands and off we go to The Brook.
The Brook is a very cool venue with two levels for the audience to view the show.
We go inside and meet up with Laurie and Steve who already have everything set up.
Now just to pause the story for a minute, I have to say how important these two gentlemen are to the band and what an intricate role they play in the show. They are a part of the band, maybe they don't "perform" and get the attention the others do but they are so good at what they do that they are with the band on the 2006 tour over here.
These two do it all. Two real characters to be honest. Great guys who were fun to hang around with and who always made me feel welcome.
Anyway, as the group is getting set up and ready for the sound check I am wandering around the place upstairs and down just taking a few pictures and checking the place out and talking to the people that work there.
While I was upstairs, I ran into two friends from my site, John Waters and Martin Hughes. Two more fans who have taken in numerous shows. What's really great about these two is they went to the same school together way back when. They are both serial Trowerheads who have become good friends as a result of the Robin Trower Band's adventures at home in 2005-06. I must say that the people in the U.K. drive for hours to catch more than one show. It's this kind of loyalty that I knew would show itself when Robins management decided to tour at home. It was great meeting up with them and we would catch up to each other later at the show.
Saturday April 29
Liverpool to Wilberston
We got up fairly early so that we could head off to Liverpool. We decided to hit one specific area and then we were going to drive down to Wilbarston in time to catch the sound check. Now the original plan was to go to the sound check and then head back to Alan's for the night so that early in the morning we could get me to the airport.
Duncan and Alan kept saying that if I wanted we could stay for the show and grab another hotel and then get up really early to make the drive to London. It was very tempting and we talked about it allot as we drove around.
Liverpool... The Beatles. It was amazing just being in the city where it started.
We arrived at the Albert Dock in Liverpool and went in search of three “full English” breakfasts before we hit the exhibit! After yet another great meal, we went through some of the shops around before finally heading to The exhibit is very well done. They actually have a full size replica of the Cavern.
While you could tour at your own pace it was fascinating and it took a couple of hours before we were done. A fantastic place.
So now it was off to Wilbarston and the last sound check and possibly another show.
Great drive. The English countryside is so beautiful.
So we locate the hall where the show is going to be and it is out in the middle of nowhere. Sort of up on a hill and all around you can see for miles.
Alan and Duncun again decided it was best if they waited outside until after the sound check as it was apparent that Robin did not like too many people around so I went in by myself. I talked to a few people at the front of the place that were working there. We talked for a bit and then I went in and found Steve and Laurie working getting everything set up. The band was not there yet.
Steve was stringing Robins guitar and I was very surprised at the guitar. I had always thought he had his strings set up quite high but they were actually quite low.
Soon the guys show up and we are all chatting when someone came up and said that Robin still wasn't feeling well and that he would not make the sound check. This was disappointing as I was hoping to see him one more time to say good bye before leaving.
Since the sound check was going to be pretty informal the guys told me to get Alan and Duncan. While we were waiting for the guys to finish setting up we were having a great time just talking and such.
As soon as Laurie was ready to start Dave, Davey and Pete went up on the stage and just started playing to get warmed up. I went up and was taking some pictures and video when Dave started playing that funky kind of "Beat It" riff. Pete was in on it when I turned around and Steve was getting into some pretty funny break dancing!! It was absolutely hilarious. The guys were having a good time. I asked Laurie and the guys if it was ok to take some shots on the stage. They were all good with that and so up I went.
Well with the sound check done it was time to go back to the hotel and say our good byes over a pint. I had thought over the offer to catch the last show but it would have been very difficult to make it into London for my early flight so this was going to be it.
I said my good byes to Laurie and Steve, two really great guys and invaluable members of the "team".
I was going to drive with the band back to the hotel and Alan and Duncun were going to follow us. As we were driving I was making sure they stayed within sight so as not to lose them. We were driving around and "Doris" was guiding us to our destination. As we were going into this one roundabout she said "take the third exit and turn left. Dave kept going around and past the exit. I thought for a second he screwed up but he was laughing as we went around the circle twice with Alan hot on the trail. Dave and his weird sense of humour! It was pretty funny though.
The hotel was in Corby (Holiday Inn) on Geddington Road. There was a Lotus car convention going on and all these beautiful machines were lined up across the parking lot.
Robbie ... you would have loved this :o)
In the pub, Pete and Dave decided to go get something to eat first so Davey, Alan and I went into the lounge part and had a pint. Dave and Pete came out after their meal and we talked for awhile but It was finally time to get going. The guys walked out to the front lobby and we all said our good-byes. Great guys...good friends.
As we walked out into the parking lot a real sense of sadness was evident as we knew that this story was about to come to an end. Alan just had to make sure we got one last picture ... the end of our adventure.
We start back to where Alan and Duncan live and as we are driving Alan's phone rings and he passes it back to me. It was Pete. They were just getting ready to go to the show and the guys were just wanting to make sure that I had had a good time over there. Is that not just amazing!
It was a fairly quiet drive back, if I remember correctly. We were talking, but I think all of us were just going over the last few days in our minds and also realizing that it is just about over.
We drove by where Alan works and then off to Duncans shop to pick up his car. Out in the parking lot I said my good byes to Duncan. A great friend.
We finally got back to Howardtowers [the name they call their house] at about 9pm where Jane “Alan’s long-suffering wife and Trower widow” :o) and [eldest son] Greg were waiting. We recovered from the journey with a coffee and a chat before an impromptu jam in the music room with me on Strat and Alan bass! After a bit of that we went into the computer room and downloaded our pics. I am sure we could have stayed up all night going through the photos but we had to get up early the next morning so it was time to go to sleep! It was a long day.
Sunday April 30th
Return Home
I woke up to Alan opening the bedroom door and placing a fresh cup of coffee close the bed. It was pretty early in the morning and we didn't want to wake anybody up so we had planned to catch breakfast at the airport. Again, just a great drive out to the airport laughing about all the fun times we had had over the last few days. We got to the airport and checked my bags and then it was off to get some food.
We got talking about all kinds of things and realized that we both really enjoyed a lot of similar things. One being science fiction. One of my all time favourite movies was an old one called ‘Robinson Crusoe on Mars’ [1964 starring Paul Mantee, Victor Lundon and Adam ‘holy smokes’ West!] We remembered the seaweed bean shoots from amongst other things. Which was really strange as I have only met one or two others that have ever heard of it. An amazing sci-fi show in its time. You see there is life after Trower!!!
Finally time to get going and Alan and I said our good-byes. It was the end of the adventure and a bit of a sad moment but hopefully we will get the chance to do it again someday.
A few observations
Having spent just a few days with the guys you see that life on the road is very tiring and boring. One of the things that I really found out was the boredom and repetitious life that these guys go through just to perform for us, the fans. Away from family and friends, same thing every day. Get up, eat at a hotel or restaurant, hang around for a few hours, go to the sound check, go back to the hotel, rest, have dinner, go to the venue around 8:00 pm, perform, go back to the hotel, try to unwind, go to bed , then get up and sometimes have to drive hours to the next show. And then the cycle starts all over again.
Not as glamorous as you would think or hope it would be for them. I really have to admire the fortitude required to do this. It is a very tough gruelling way to make a living.
Robin, Dave, Davey, Pete, Laurie and Steve, believe me when I say that we are all very grateful for your hard work that allows us, the fans, to share with you, something that is so special to us all.
Also I was so taken with how loyal the fans in the UK are. They were so elated that Robin had finally come back to play on his home turf to the people who first came to appreciate his talents. Many travel around to numerous shows, driving hours to get there. Many bring their families with children who have likely grown up listening to Trower. They are finally able to show them why they like this music so much. I talked to a lot of people before and after the shows and they were all so buzzed by what they had just experienced.
So there you have it.
The words and pictures don't really tell you how much fun it was to travel around with Alan and Duncan. It was just an amazing time. I cannot thank you two enough for everything you did for me. Without you, this trip would not have been possible. You looked after everything. A constant statement the whole time I was there was "whatever you want to do Steve". I have to say that never in my life have two people gone so far out of their way to make an almost complete stranger have the time of his life. I really cannot find words to express my gratitude to you both and to your families for the time spent away from home. Thank you again for everything.
Davey, Pete and Dave. What can I say? You made me feel like I am, in some small way, a part of the whole band thing. Put yourselves in my shoes for a second...., after 20 odd years of being so motivated musically by what I felt from this band the first time I heard them and then suddenly.... I am staying at Pete Thompsons house......, with Davey Pattison.... and the first night I am there Dave Bronze makes a trip over to say hi. Driving in the van to a show, talking afterwards.....discussing the shows, the songs....everything. How can you put the thousand thoughts that go through your head on paper after an experience like that? It was totally surreal. An amazing time and I feel very lucky to be able to call you all friends.
When we were in the pubs after the shows I really enjoyed the conversations we got into and the laughs were non stop.
Steve and Laurie, I thank you both for making me feel so welcome at both the shows and the sound checks. You guys do an amazing job and I look forward to sharing your experiences with the people who visit this site.
Robin, as I said earlier, I really do appreciate your allowing me access to events that most people who enjoy your music can only imagine. It is a privilege and again thanks. I hope my presence didn't throw you off too much. It was also great to finally meet your "better half" and your son. It really made the trip perfect. It was too bad that you were feeling under the weather for most of the time. It would have been fun to have you join in some of our talks after the shows.
Maybe next time.....
And thanks to Sue and Jamie for pushing me to take these once in a lifetime opportunities when they come up, and for putting up with having to listen to me talk about the trip everyday for weeks after. :o)
Thursday April 27
Bilston.... The Robin2
We all got up fairly early and met downstairs. We were going to drive for a while before eating. We were driving along, near the northern tip of the New Forest National Park, when all of a sudden we see this sign. Alan immediately turned off the road as we just could not pass up the opportunity for a picture.
Back out on the road we talked about last night and what fun it was.
The country side is so beautiful. We were on our way to Stonehenge but happen to be passing through Salisbury where the famous Cathedral is so we decided to make a stop and check it out. When we got to Salisbury we parked and went and got a coffee and a bacon sarnie [I think] in the first open air café we could find. It was a
beautiful, warm day. After our break we wandered over to the Cathedral. It was breath-taking. Actually saw the Magna Carta. We took a number of pictures but none really do it justice. We spent a good hour or two wandering around.
Fascinating place and the people who worked there were very nice to us. Then it was off to Stonehenge.
We are driving along and all of a sudden you could see it coming up on the rise. We pulled into the parking lot and there were lots of tourists. It is every bit as amazing as I thought it would be. The funny thing about being around the site is that it is so quiet. When people would talk, even us, you find yourself whispering.
After a walk around we went back in and I bought some souvenirs and then we were off again. We were getting a bit hungry so we decided to stop at the next place we saw.
On Semington Road in the town of Melksham in the county of Wiltshire we happened upon this great pub called The West End Inn. The pub is part of a famous nation-wide chain of pubs called 'Hungry Horse'. As inferred by their name, they specialize in serving food on large plates and piling it high! It was a good meal with some very nice waitresses!
After eating we had hoped to get to the Stone Circle at Avebury and Avebury Manor, just west of Marlborough, at the suggestion of Dave Bronze. However, road closures en route from Stonehenge meant we were forced to change course.
We ran into some very heavy traffic and got a bit mixed up as to how to exactly get to the Robin2. We arrived right in the middle of the sound check so didn't get to hear too much. I talked to Davey and told him that we were going to go check into our hotel and that we would catch up to them at the show.
The hotel the guys picked was a really nice place. We went up to the rooms and relaxed for a bit before heading off to the venue.
At the Robin2 there is a nice restaurant upstairs so we went up and met up with a number of Trowerheads. It is such fun to finally meet some of these people who I have corresponded with. The show was a complete sell-out! No surprise there!
Pete Allen - Merseyside's finest and another regular correspondent to my site. Pete's all-time favourite Robin track is 'Bridge of Sighs' Next there's Alan then Duncan's friend, Steve Turton, from nearby Dudley. He and Duncan have been mates for a long time as a result of their mutual passion for English pop rock act, The Sweet. Indeed, both seem to send hours on the band's online forum at www.thesweet.com. Then there's me then Steve's mate Craig. Also at the show I met long time supporter Karen Wilson who I have corresponded with a number of times. A real fan of the band.
After a pint or two we head down to the hall where the crowds are starting to gather.
The opening act was Australian Gwyn Ashton. This guy is amazing. After his set I went over and introduced myself and told him I thought his stuff was really good and that when I posted the story on the site I would put a link to his site. He told me that he was coming out with a new cd in the next couple of months and we could hook up and he would send me one.
We decided that we would see the RTB from right in front of the stage so before the crowd started to move up so we parked ourselves right in front ready for the show to begin.
The guys came on and the crowd pushed up closer in anticipation of what was about to come. I had my video camera ready and Davey and Pete saw us and gave a smile.
After a few songs it was starting to get really warm up front and I thought I would take a walk to the back of the room. I really enjoy watching the people enjoy the show. This isn't just a night out at a show...this is an event, and the enthusiasm I witnessed at every show was a real peak into a unique side of people of all ages and walks of life.
I wandered to the back and saw Laurie at the board in this sectioned off area where the sound system is controlled. He saw me and waved me to come in and sit next to him. This was great because it was very crowded and this offered an unobstructed view of the band.
I found it fascinating to watch what Laurie was doing while the band played. Constantly adjusting little things to bring out the sound.
The set list was well received and the guys were in top form tonight. Every show is a treat to experience. Sitting with Laurie I think gave me the best seat in the house to hear the band.
When Little Bit Of Sympathy came on and Robin and Pete go into the solo at the end Davey stepped up and started clapping his hands over his head and encouraging the crowd who immediately got into the groove, Bronzie then stands beside Davey and they were both getting the crowd going..... the crowd really started to make some noise. Robin and Pete were really into it and you could see that the crowd loved being involved trying their best to push Robin on with the rhythm they were creating. Even at the back of the hall everyone was into it. Another great show.
After the show the security people were starting to get everyone out, we were hanging around waiting for the guys as we were going to meet for a pint back at the hotel. One of the security guys came up and was asking us to leave when Laurie said no no they are with the band. Thanks Laurie.
They got there stuff together and we were just heading out the door when I hear someone yell my name. I turned around and Gwyn Ashton was walking over to me and he said that he did have one copy of his upcoming cd with him and asked if I would like it.
What a cool guy.
::: after I got home and listened to it I have become a big fan. Check out Gwyns site and seriously think about ordering "Prohibition" Listen to "Come On/Don't Walk, Run! A great addition to any music lovers collection.
We went out and grabbed a cab back to the bands hotel and the guys were already there so we got into our usual discussions about the show and what they experienced as well as what we did. Very interesting conversations and a lot of laughs.
We only stayed for an hour or so and then it was time to head back to the hotel.
Once back there we decided to have a cup of tea before turning in. We ended up staying up until 3 am. I’d say we were ‘on a high’ after an eventful day what with the journey, the sights, the sound check, the show and the meet up with the boys afterwards! Too excited to go to bed so we sat up and talked.
The discussion turned to the show tomorrow in Manchester and about going to the sound check. They had felt a bit uncomfortable at the Robin soundcheck and thought that it may be better for me if I went by myself the next day. I think it was actually my fault they were that way as we got there late and I wasn't thinking and just walked into the room without being aware of what was going on. Probably should have waited till the playing stopped before entering. My apologize to all.
This tells you a lot about what really cool people these two are. They are both huge fans, have travelled hundreds of miles, gone through great expense and taken time away from their families to see this band perform. A sound check for anybody would be an awesome experience but they were both adamant about giving up that opportunity because they felt everybody would be more relaxed if it was just me there watching. I did argue about it for a while but I did know that what they were saying was true. It was just the fact that they wanted me to have my time and did not want to jeopardize that, it tells you something about these two.
Friday, April 28
The journey from Wolverhampton city centre to Manchester was relatively short. Alan was born in Manchester (Stalybridge, actually) and so he knew his way around the city pretty well. We drove to our hotel area. It was actually about a block away from the parking area which were like old catacombs!
Our hotel, the GMEX Premier Travel Inn overlooked the G-MEX Centre which is a huge convention centre. Alan had picked another great Hotel.
We checked in and went for a stroll around the city which “Alan says is looking better than ever after massive investment in the 90s.” We walked through the major civic spaces and shopping places before arriving at the Hard Rock Café for lunch!
After we sat down I decided to go check out the merchandise for sale and ended up chatting with the manager. He asked where I was from (because apparently I have this Canadian "accent") and when I told him he says one of his staff is from Canada".
So sure, I had to say where. and he starts saying this word that starts with an "S" but he does not quite get it right. The province in Canada where I am from is called Saskatchewan. It was totally understandable that he didn't get it right but it was funny to hear him try. I politely corrected him and we got chatting about why I was in Manchester.
Told him about the show and he thought that was cool coming all that way.
I picked up a few momentous and sat back down at the table. After a bit the manager came over again and we were all talking about the show and some other bands around. He left for a minute and and when he returned he handed us a copy of a HRC promo cd with some local bands on it. Nice guy.
We then walked around the downtown area for an hour or so. It was great.
Back at our hotel it was time for a pint. Right beside our hotel was this great bar called "Barest" so in we went.
Alan and Duncan had decided that they were not going to go to the sound check so I was going to take a cab down to the University and find this place.
When it was time to go I went out to grab a cab but they were always taken. It took about 20 minutes to finally flag a guy down.
Once on the University grounds the driver knew where the place was and as we were coming up to it I saw the equipment truck. We pulled up and I got out and as soon as I did a few people came up to me and said "Are you looking for Robin Trower"? These people were a bit older than me and they had actually been waiting outside for abut an hour hoping to catch the band coming in as they were looking for autographs. As I figured they were already there I said that the best place was probably right where they were waiting and maybe catch them after the sound check.
For some reason this one guy figured out that I was going to see them right now and as I was walking into the main building this guy was like right behind me. I went upstairs and at the entrance I told him that the sound checks were closed and that he should probably wait.
I walked in and saw Laurie right away. He said hi and introduced me to the venues sound person. They were going through the board. Steve was his usual busy self running all over getting last minute things ready for the show. Again, it is fun to be around during the show preparation times. I also went up to Robins side of the stage and met the guy who was running the lights. I thought I would watch the show from that side of the stage.
Soon the guys showed up and we chatted for a while. I was talking with Robin about how great it was to finally meet Andrea. Sometimes I just say things because I feel they need to be said and I said to him "..and she has the most amazing eyes" now he stepped back for a second and I think he was surprised that I would be so blunt about it but then this smile came over his face and he looked at me and said.." yes she does"! Funny little moment. Then I said to him that I had not wanted to bring anything for them to sign this time as knowing them fairly well that seems a bit awkward. Robin says ya that he understands that. But in the same breath I said...but... I always wanted to get a pick guard for my Stratocaster signed and so...(smile). He started laughing and said come back behind the stage and he would sign it there. We walked back and he signed it then up on the stage to do the soundcheck.
Again, this is my favourite time. There is something special about being in the room with these guys while they are playing but not performing. While it is very organized there is always a bit of playfulness that goes on.
After the check I told the guys I was going to go back to the hotel and that I would see them later.
I went outside and soon hailed a cab back to the hotel. I met Duncan and Alan at the bar next door and we sat around and had a few laughs before it was time to go to the show. We got there a bit early and went up to the door to get in. Again, the person knew we were ok to allow in early so in we went.
Pretty soon the doors were opened and the crowd started to come in. I figured I better grab a pint while I had the chance so went to the back where the bar was.
I ran into Steve Russell and we were talking when Ronnie Kerrigan came over to introduce himself. Now I know Ronnie through the site and recognized him immediately from his reviews and picture on Alan's site. Ronnie is a great guy who is very very passionate about the Trower band and how they perform.
Ronnie is from Northern Ireland and has this great thick Irish accent. The three of us are talking away and Steve was telling us about his background. Steve is an actor by trade. I mention it because as we were talking to Ronnie, Steve was saying that he has this habit of picking up peoples accents which would help him in the acting field. Then he turned to me and said "...but I cannot seem to get that F****g Canadian accent!" I started laughing like crazy and he kept on about how he has been trying to get it over the last few days with me around but it was still giving him a rough time.
Also met another friend, Dave Knight who I have known and who Alan and Duncan knew. There is a great group of fans who always seem to find each other at these shows.
During the warm up act I was wandering around and was outside for a while and did not get to see much of the band which was called The Samuel.C.Lees Band What I did catch of them though was very entertaining. High energy rock/blues with a very good stage manner. The guitar player really interacted with the crowd a lot.
It was time for the band to come on so I went up to the side entrance to watch the show.
My vantage point again allowed some great crowd watching. People were mesmerized watching the show. Got some great video.
It was a different angle to watch as the band comes on. The crowd started cheering as soon as they appeared on stage. Pete steps behind his kit, Dave puts his bass on and Davey is standing centre stage. Robin walks over and is about 5 feet away. Steve is standing there and passes him the guitar. Robin hooks up, does a very quick tune check and everyone is ready to go. Davey spots me and waves and Pete flashes a quick smile.
Robin turns to the guys with a quick count and Twice Removed explodes out of the sound system. The crowd immediately responds to the classic song. Then straight into Hanna which is such a great song. I love the groove they get into at the change.
I spent a lot of time just watching instead of videoing. I didn't want to take any pictures because I was a bit close to Robin and did not want to distract him with a flash. What I did video though turned out well and the angle afforded me some great stuff of Robin playing.
One funny moment was during BOS. I was filming a bit and at the time of the solo I was watching Robin. It's that point of the song that really gets to me. Robin is just into the solo and the sound level has dropped down low, Robin is starting to get into that zone with short soft rifts, you could hear a pin drop on the crowd side and all eyes are on Robin. After the show Dave came up and asked if I had seen the gesture to me while I was filming. I said I hadn't noticed and he said that he was saying hi to me. I never thought any more about it but when I got home and was watching the show I see Dave look over and give me this "funny " gesture. I honestly had to rewind to see it. Absolutely cracked me up. The show was amazing and afterwards we were making plans to hook up.
In Manchester, the band was staying at The Chancellors Hotel and Conference Centre but they said they didn't have a pub in it so we were going to go back to our hotel and the three of them were going to come over to the place we were. It was late by the time we got back to our place and when Davey called and said they were pretty beat.
We were tired too and said we would catch up to them tomorrow.
2006 on tour with the band in the U.K.

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